Thursday, June 6, 2019

Thursday Thoughts - What's New With Me

If I had been on top of my shit you would have had a post from me every single day last week.  You also would have had one on Monday.  But life is a thing and last week included the end of the school year, packing up my apartment, moving all of my stuff into storage, & driving 1100 miles between Texas & Minnesota.  So instead you got 1 post, Monday Morning Coffee Vol 13.

That's not to say I didn't have posts drafted, because I did.  I had one drafted for every single day of the week.  Posts I started but never finished included:

-7 Years of Teaching
-What's Up Wednesday
-Summer Goals
-Friday Favorites
-Monday Morning Coffee Vol 14

Now of course if everything goes according to schedule MMC V. 14 will be popping up this coming Monday, but the rest, they probably won't get their own posts.  Well maybe I'll get it together & What's Up Wednesday will make an appearance at the end of this month, I've been saying that for a couple of months though & haven't actually posted one since March.

So instead of individual posts, here are some random thoughts & what I've been up to recently.

**I mentioned it about a week & a half ago, but I had a phone interview for a new job.  The interview was for an 11th grade US History teaching position at a newer high school down near Houston, WITHOUT coaching!  The interview happened on Wednesday May 29th at 9 am.  2 days later while I was somewhere in Missouri I got a call saying that they were still playing phone tag with my assistant principal, & it had to be approved by the board, but they'd like to offer me the position.  Monday morning I got an email from HR saying that I was officially being recommended to the board for employment.  So sometime next week I should be able to officially do my paperwork.**

**Besides family, I have told very few people about this, and other than my assistant principal & athletic coordinator at my current job, only 2 other people I work with even know that I interviewed.  Even though the job is basically mine, I don't want to make a deal about it or tell anyone until it's official.  AKA most people don't know that when I go back to Texas in July I won't be returning to my current job, and won't even be returning to the Dallas-Fort Worth area.  So if you're reading this & know me in real life... surprise!**

**I finished Blue Highways & started listening to Where The Crawdads Sing on Audible**

**I chopped my hair off.  I've only been saying I was going to since November**

**Nash & I spent 2 days driving from Texas to Minnesota, with a stop in Wichita, KS.  Since being back in Minnesota we've been enjoying the nice weather & being in the country.  This is the life we were meant for**

**I've been trying to find a roommate, & a place to live for when I move back down to Texas next month.  I'm fairly certain I've found a roommate, but I'm still looking for a place.  Fingers crossed it all comes together!  I've been looking at houses because a)I want a yard for Nash b)I'm tired of sharing apartment walls with other people & c)a 2 bed 2 bath house is less per month than a 2 bed 2 bath apartment**

**I am in need of a new laptop, or will be very shortly.  My personal laptop conveniently died about the time I started my current job in which I got a work laptop.  However, the second I resign from my current job, which will have to be before July 1, I'm going to have to surrender the only laptop I've been using for the past 2 years...  Sooo I have to get a new one ASAP**

Linking up with Kristen.


  1. The shorter hair looks SO good - love your summer cut

  2. Your hair looks great! And congrats on the new job, I hope you love it :)

  3. Congrats on the job!!! That's awesome!
    I bet that hair feels good & lighter for the heat of summer!

  4. Congrats on the job. That if you know me in real life then "surprise!" line cracked me up.

  5. Congrats on the new job! I hope you find a place soon.

  6. Congrats on the new job! Good call on waiting for board approval though... I know about that life, lol. Love the summer hair cut - it looks refreshing and perfect for summer!

  7. your hair looks super cute! i've been feeling the need to chop mine off, though it's not as long as yours was. congrats on the new job, very exciting.

  8. Love the hair! I recently just cut mine as well! I can't believe an apt is more than a house- that's ridiculous! CONGRATS on the new job! That's so exciting, I hope you love it!

  9. I loved Where the Crawdads Sing on audio. The accents were on point.

    YAY for jobs and new situations.

    I know they aren't always the cheapest.. but Best Buy has been awesome for my laptop. I made sure to purchase the warranty on the computer I bought and it has been TOTALLY worth it. ANYTHING wrong with my computer gets fixed or I get a new computer... and the warranty pays for whatever I paid for the initial laptop.
