Thursday, August 16, 2018

Quotes To Live By

Happy Thursday everyone!  Linking up with Sierra for Girl Chat!  This month's theme is "quotes to live by" so here are just a few that I love!

I actually love the entire "Wear Sunscreen" & have since I first heard it at like 13.


  1. Worrying is pretty much like that, haha! Something I need to repeat to myself constantly!

  2. I am obsessed with "take every chance you can in life..." That is such a perfect quote and SOOO very true! Many times when I have been afraid to take a chance and went for it; it turned out way better than I ever expected!! thanks for sharing these! I am now following you from Emily's Girl Chat. You can follow back if you wish at Annster's Domain

  3. These are all so good! I loved reading them and finding some new inspiration. The one about taking every chance is so on point. Sierra Beautifully Candid

  4. "Wear Sunscreen" was written by Mary Schmich for the Chicago Tribune many years ago. I remember reading the original column, thinking "I should cut this out," and never doing it. So far, it's been associated with everyone but her, including Kurt Vonnegut, who admitted he had never written it, but wishing that he had.

    Mary also wrote the comic strip "Brenda Starr, Reporter" from 1985 until 2011, when it breathed its last.

  5. I love the Take Every Chance You Get one. That is something I definitely try to live by.

  6. I love the quote about letting it go if it doesn't make you happy. I also love your first quote about asking. Sometimes it can be hard to take a step of courage and faith.

  7. Great quotes- I love the last one especially! - Shannon

  8. love the one about how some things only happen once. Its so true. Enjoy things as they come.
