2. Don't use credit card for 1 month [#8 & #26 on 28 by 28/#69 & 92 on 101 in 1001] PASS!
**I actually didn't use it for like 2.5 months. Then I used it while my friend Bridgette was in town. I haven't used it since then so I'm at almost 2 weeks without using it again**
3. Read 6 books [# 10 on 28 by 28/#9 on 101 in 1001] FAIL!
**I think had I chosen a different book to be my 3rd book I would have passed. I still haven't finished that 3rd one by the way. Instead I went to the library & got 2 different books. I read 4**
4. Get to goal weight [#12 on 28 by 28] FAIL!
**I'm so close that I almost called it a pass. I wanted to get down to 150-155 & I'm at 158. Considering I started at 166 I'm basically there**
5. Have tarot read [#18 on 28 by 28] FAIL!
**Didn't happen. It just didn't**
6. Average 10k steps a day for a month [personal goal] FAIL!
**Probably a fail. My fitbit started acting up almost daily so I stopped wearing it. I can almost guarantee I didn't hit my steps though**
7. Start learning Spanish [#27 on 28 by 28] PASS!
**I'm at like 3% fluent**
8. Start learning guitar [#21 on 28 by 28] PASS!
**I learned a chord...so not much of a pass but all I said was start learning...**
9. Finish 1000 piece puzzle [#28 on 28 by 28/#95 on 101 in 1001] FAIL!
**I gave up. The puzzle had too many missing pieces & then I never bought a new one**
**I gave up. The puzzle had too many missing pieces & then I never bought a new one**
10. Outdoor movie [#50 on 101 in 1001] PASS!
End results: 5/10. Basically I failed. I did come close on a couple though & I came close/passed the ones I really cared about so I'm still happy with my results.
Last Thursday I talked about my Fall Goals. If you missed them you can find them here.
Well I think you should look at it as you've got 5 more things to do!! xo, Biana