Thursday, September 1, 2016

Fall Goals

Next week I'll be letting y'all know how my summer goals officially turned out, but today I'll be sharing my goals for this fall (Sep-Nov) with you.  I pulled these goals from my 28 by 28 & 101 in 1001 lists.  I'm hoping that in doing so I'll be able to get more accomplished on those rather than coming up with a set of additional things I want to complete.

1. Get to goal weight [#12 on 28 by 28]

2. Run a 5k [#9 on 28 by 28/#24 on 101 in 1001]

3. Read 4 books [#10 on 28 by 28/#9 on 101 in 1001]

4. Meet a blogger [#20 on 28 by 28]

5. Try 4 new restaurants [#21 on 101 in 1001]

6. Attend trivia night [#37 on 101 in 1001]

7. Donate blood [#19 on 28 by 28/#42 on 101 in 1001]

8. Visit Nashville [#90 on 101 in 1001]

9. Food festival [#58 on 101 in 101

10. Edit Netflix watch list [#99 on 101 in 1001]
(delete what I've finished, finish what I've started, decide if I want to keep or get rid of the stuff I haven't started)


  1. Sounds like you've got a nice mix of goals for health and goals for fun ready for the next season!

  2. That is a great list of goals. I have been wanting to try a trivia night but it is always on the night that I work my other job. So annoying.

  3. Oh how I love to try new restaurants and so want to go to Nashville!! I think you should try 4 new restaurants IN Nashville, lol ;-)

    1. Lol I was aiming low with 4. I'm sure if I don't try 4 different places in Nashville that one weekend I'll come close. I would guess in reality I'll probably try close to a dozen within 3 months. I just didn't want to put too much pressure on myself with going places & spending money.

  4. Oo you're pulling a lot from the 101 list! I bet you're keeping pretty good pace with it this way. Are you still tracking it on Day Zero?

  5. I really need to work on a 101 list!! I love seeing what people come up with! Love that donating blood is on your list!
