Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Just When I Thought I Said All I Could Say

**PSA: It's I couldn't (as in could NOT) care less.  When people say they COULD care less I go crazy**

**I felt entirely too bad ass when I push mowed my lawn**

**My biggest pet peeve about soccer & hockey is that ties are allowed.  In my book SOMEONE has to win!**

**Unpacking & organizing things might be worse than packing**

**I am loving having a house...even if it's a rented duplex.**

**I'm a little sad that this will be the first time I leave TX for MN without going on some epic road trip**

**In the past week I have had so many #FirstWorldProblems**

**When I have to kill a spider I scream like a girl & usually jump around too until it's dead.**

**Dearest Kickass Cousin: I apologize for giving you a countdown every night to the saddest moment of your life...aka getting offline & going to bed.**


  1. i hollered for my mom to come and kill a spider. when she came running, she was like, what's the matter? and when i pointed to the spider, she gave me a dirty look LOL

    thanks for linking up!

    Vodka and Soda

  2. My sister always insisted that we save spiders instead of killing them - which made it her job to handle it. :P And I feel the same way about my townhouse! We're still renting, but we've got a spigot now. Grown ups!!!

  3. Omg I do the same thing when I kill a spider or anything!

  4. I always scream and make my boyfriend kill all the bugs!

  5. The could/couldn't care less thing drives me bonkers too. I usually have my four year old kill spiders for me, he's much braver than I am!

  6. Omg your first confession is one of my biggest pet peeves EVER. And seriously, ties are most definitely not allowed. That's what OT is for. Get with it, soccer!!

  7. I make P kill all bugs in the house. Sometimes I will trap them and wait for him to get home :)

  8. hahaha that is so funny about the could / couldn't care less. but seriously i scream like a girl (wait..) when there is a spider and my husband just laughs at me.

  9. haha yes I get so upset when people say "I could care less" umm that means you care!! Sigh. Drives me batty. Also football there are only ties in that round.. soon it will be overtime etc and someone will win. No one can draw a world cup final! Thankfully!

  10. Someone does have to win! That's just dumb! At least you care enough to countdown :)

  11. A rented duplex totally counts as a house- I am jealous!

  12. My husband goes crazy over the could/could not care less thing, too. And I quote Rocky Bobby all the time!

  13. I morph into this vicious killer when I see a spider. OMG. It's like my persona goes from normal to FINISH HER!
    First world problems are my absolute favorite. Seriously.
    And weedeating my entire back yard (since it's not big enough to mow) make me feel like the ultimate badass, so I can completely understand.

  14. It annoys me how they can tie in soccer, too! WTF!!!
