Monday, March 1, 2021

Monday Morning Coffee *3/1*


It's March!  How does this year seem like it's dragging on & flying by at the exact same time?!  I already know March is going to fly by.  I'm only at work 16 days this month.  Thank goodness for spring break & a couple of other random days off!  But before we can kick March off, here's a look at how I spent the last weekend of February!

Friday after work I tried taking Nash to the dog park that's closer to where we live now.  We're now 0/2.  For some reason he is not a fan.  He hasn't even actually made it into the dog park.  We make it about 20 feet from the car, he digs his heels in, & then walks me right back to the car.  Needless to say, we won't be trying that dog park anymore.  I also started doing DoorDash again.  I have a few fun friend trips coming up before I leave Texas so I figured I should start back up.  I didn't hit the goal I had set for myself but I also quit early because I didn't want to be trying to find houses/apartments in the dark.  Plus, I was hungry & having people's food in my car smelling all delicious was not helping at all!

Nash & I got up with the sun, ate some breakfast, drank some coffee, & then headed to the dog park.  The one that's farther, but he likes.  I was hoping to to get some lunch time DoorDash hours but they've been super stingy with releasing hours so I didn't wind up with any.  Instead I went grocery shopping, ate a slice of cake around 10 AM for a "coffee break," made my own version of the TikTok pasta (if you haven't seen it it's supposed to be just Feta, tomatoes, olive oil, & seasonings in the oven & then you mix in some pasta.)  I made mine with Brie, spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, olive oil, & seasonings.  I also didn't add in any noodles.  I'm keeping it separate so I can also use it as a dip.  I also did a little work in my "Self-Love Workbook for Women" workbook.  I did DoorDash again for a few more hours & then went home to hang out with Nash, eat some supper, & go to bed early.

Nash & I went back to the dog park for awhile in the morning & then I tackled my to do list.  I did 3 loads of laundry, some dishes, & prepped some stuff for breakfast as well as lunch.  I was scheduled to Dash from 4:30-7:30 but chose not to go out so I could just relax & enjoy the last little bit of my weekend.  I watched a few more episodes of Heartland & then set up my goals for March!

I hope that you have a great Monday, new week, & new month!

1 comment:

  1. 16 days in March to work - that's pretty awesome!! Here's to a quick month and closer to spring! xo, Biana BlovedBoston
