Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Currently In March

Linking up with Anne

Choosing... to work on creating healthy habits.  I've been trying to work through a pack of face masks I bought off Amazon awhile back.  Once I get through all 16 of them I'm going to hopefully get myself started on an actual skincare routine because at 32, I've never had one before.  I'm also trying to integrate some type of work out/way of being active everyday.  This month I'm trying Pilates.  This is the 30 Day Pilates Body Challenge I'm following.

Imagining... all of the adventures I'm going to take myself on!

Making... extra money doing DoorDash.

Recommending... using all of your vacation days!  We get 10 days of PTO every year... because we stopped doing in person school early last year I had 3.5 left over.  I only took *one* day off first semester.  But between the stress of this school year, things changing in my personal life, & the fact that I plan on living/working 1200 miles away from here after this school year ends, I've been working on taking the remaining 12.5 during the second semester... 3 down, 9.5 to go.

Wearing... Leggings.  We got an email a few weeks back "reminding" us that we need to be dressed more professional & should only be wearing jeans on Wednesdays & Fridays.  The loophole?  Apparently it's perfectly acceptable to wear leggings professional (like another teacher legit wore leggings & a black hoodie the other day)... the same cannot be same fore nice jeans & a cute top... *insert eye roll here*  We're teaching in the middle of a pandemic... half of my kids aren't even IN the classroom & half of the ones that are don't even show up on a day to day basis... how about we pick our battles... I only have 49-50 more work days until summer!


  1. Darling outfits. That’s so cool that you’re doing DoorDash on the side our sons girlfriend does that. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  2. That's definitely a silly rule to put in place with wardrobe! Let me know if you're looking for a steady skincare routine!! I can recommend some things! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  3. Definitely pick your battles, school! I love the denim dress with leggings you are wearing!

  4. What a ridiculous dress code rule. I'm turning 49 in a few months and I still don't have a skincare routine which is also probably ridiculous :)

  5. Okay, that is pretty weird about the no jeans but leggings are okay policy - because I know not everyone wears leggings in as cute/professional a manner as you are here ;-) And good for you actually using your vacation time - you've earned it I'm sure!

  6. Love your outfits! The no jeans dress code is absurd! Good luck with your Pilates challenge!

  7. That's a crazy wardrobe rule right now. I hope you get a chance to use some of your vacation days to go somewhere fun when travel opens up fully.

  8. That is crazy to try to enforce that rule. And yes, big eye roll on the leggings vs. jeans thing.

  9. That's crazy about not being able to wear nice jeans, especially if you can do leggings. Weird rules.

    I applaud you for taking your PTO though, as everyone should do that!!


  10. I can't imagine going back to a job with an actual dress code. I've been at my current job for eight (!!) years, and I wore jeans and sweatshirts every day when we were in the office. Now, at home, it's leggings every day! haha

  11. Fascinating that legging are okay and jeans are not. I will say that I feel like I'm constantly trying to remind my staff that dress code is still a thing on zoom, at least on top.
