Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday Favorites *4/24*

Linking up with Andrea

1. What I'm Grateful For
-Sunny weather
-Make your own 6 packs
-Danny cooking dinner after work one night & then waking me up when it was ready because I was so exhausted I needed to just take a nap
-Playing Evil Apples with my cousins in Minnesota/Wisconsin
-A phone call with my mama

2. Things I've Accomplished
-Washing the bedding on BOTH beds (& making them)
-Finished watching All American
-Contacting all the parents
-Rescheduling my annual appointment next month for a better time with a better doctor

3. From The Phone

4.Class Pets

Yesterday I posted this for my students & told them to not let me down.  Here are a few I got back

5. Funnies


  1. Awww I love the pets and homework photos... especially the one with a mask, lol. SO cute. Your succulents are looking good! What's the blue one?!

  2. Great idea with the pets doing homework prompt! So cute! I would totally partake if I had a pet, haha.

  3. I think that turtle with the laptop is my favorite lol! What's a 6 pack? I hate when Netflix started the movie- like wait stooop, I haven't decided yet! I love it when someone else makes me food, that was really sweet of Danny :)

  4. I miss Evil Apples
    <3 the succulents
    So I'm tutoring the neighbor's kid for the rest of the semester and when he was here the first time and had a zoom meeting, he introduced his teacher to our dogs. It was super sweet.
