Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday Morning Coffee Vol. 7

Happy Monday & happy April everyone!  As I mentioned on Friday, I am glad that March is over & April is here!  There is so much good coming this month & I'm just feeling happier in general.  So what do you say we kick this week, & this month, off with a little Monday Morning Coffee!  Linking up with Biana.

**Last week started off so slow.  I remember on Wednesday thinking, "how is it only Wednesday?!"  But then Thursday & Friday were over in the blink of an eye.**

**I applied to a couple more teaching jobs down in the Houston area last week as well as emailed the head of HR in the district that I really want to work in.  He was in charge of secondary ed HR for the district I student taught in/first worked in while I was there so I'm hoping that he at least as some insight to help me in getting an interview/job in the new district**

**The varsity softball girls won their 2nd district game on Friday.  They went 1-6 the first round of district & are now currently 2-6.  Depending on how they, and the other 2 teams that we were tied for last with, do this 2nd round we could potentially make it to district.  Friday was also an early night because 2 of the teams we play don't have lights at their field so we started earlier & then were done by 7:30 because no lights.**

**I truly love my new car, well the car I now bought a year ago, but I don't know that I'll ever buy a Ford Fusion again.  I previously had a 2012 Fusion & I had a lot of problems with it initially but then it got better.  I never loved that car, but it worked.  Last February I got a 2016 Fusion.  I do love that car.  However about a month ago I had to get the bearings replaced & now I have a whole new issue.  I went to get coffee yesterday late afternoon & was also hoping to get some work done at a coffee shop just so I could get out of the house.  However, while trying to reverse in the parking lot to find a different spot, my car stopped shifting.  First I noticed that my backup camera wasn't showing anything so I put it in park in hopes of then putting it back in reverse & having the camera work.  Except I couldn't shift out of park & yet when I took my foot off the brake it would still roll.  Praying it's a simple fix, thinking it's something electronic as my bluetooth stopped working as well...which is probably not so simple...**

**I'm pretty sure Nash knew we should just stay home & in bed all day from the beginning on Sunday...**

**The weather this weekend was cold.  Like it had been in the 70s & sunny and then the weekend was like, "nah, here is some 40s/50s with little to no sun instead!"  That kind of weather though is perfect for comfort food which I had been craving anyway.  I met up with Helen & Caleb for supper at Mike's Chicken on Saturday and then we just got coffee and walked around Half Priced Books.**


  1. I'm ready for it to be warm again - next week is going to be in the 80s!

  2. Nash and I had the same idea! I spent most of Sunday in jammies and bed! HA! Bring on Spring please! Annster's Domain

  3. I'm so ready for warmer weather. I have a 1028 Ford Escape and it has been in the shop for about a month now. Complete engine failure. Most likely will never by a Ford again and dealership I bought from have been nothing but huge jerks.

  4. fingers crossed you get an interview. i am so over the cold weather and so ready for flip flops and hot weather!
