Friday, March 29, 2019

March Favorites

Happy last Friday in March!  March wasn't bad, but I'm glad it's over.  March being over means that there are only 2 months left of the school year, 40 days once today is over.

Here is a look back at some of my favorites from March

Pictures of Nash

Food I Ate

Crawfish from Hoochies & a Spicy Goat from Twisted Root


March in Numbers
15: Days at work
7: Softball games
4: Days spent with my parents
3: Districts applied to
9: Glorious days spent on spring break
34: Pictures & videos taken of Nash on my phone
1: Date
66.75: Dollars spent on Amazon


  1. What's your favourite place to go for crawfish? Bryan really wants to go get some this weekend

  2. Ok your funnies always crack me up, but "Did this bitch really just toss me?" killed me hahaha
