Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday Morning Coffee Vol. 5

Hello everyone!  Despite having ideas for what I wanted to write about, I unintentionally didn't post on Thursday (where I was going to write about recipes for St. Patrick's Day) or Friday (where I planned on giving you 5 reasons why I quit...that'll probably be a post in the future.)  But my parents arrived Thursday & well I was on spring break so #sorrynotsorry

Sadly spring break is now over for me which means back to work.  There are no more official days off until Easter weekend but I am contemplating taking Nash's birthday off because #DogMomAF  Either way I'm back at for another 3.5-5 weeks so let's kick it off with a little Monday Morning Coffee!  Linking up with Biana

This morning I'm drinking out of this adorable mug I got from a blogger swap.

Since I just had 9 days off for spring break, how about we catch up on what I did with all of my free time!  *Hint: I was reminded why I'm not meant for the typical 9-5 & just want to hang out w/Nash*

**I did in fact spend A LOT of time with Nash.  Our first day of break was a nice one so we went for a walk, played at the dog park, AND got some ice cream.  The next few days though were pretty much just chill at home days, mostly due to a shit ton of rain**

**Nash got to have a play date on Wednesday after the rain stopped.  A few weeks ago I made a deal with the girl who walks Nash.  We had been going through an app but decided to cut out the middle man.  So now she walks him for cash which saves me money & gets her more money.  So on Wednesday we met up so Nash could play with her dogs & I could actually meet her.  Turns out she's from the Midwest too!**

**Since I had to miss my friends' baby shower the weekend before, the 3 of us & another friend met up for some pizza from Greenville Ave Pizza Co & to just hang out for a bit**

**I started watching Gossip Girl.  I never watched it while it was on, & had tried to watch it once before but only got about 20 minutes into the first episode before giving up.  This time, mostly because I had a lot of free time on my hands & didn't know what else I wanted to start, I powered through.  Of course now I'm into it.  I'm only a little over halfway through season 2 though & since I'm back at work now, & there are 6 seasons (that each have about 25 40 minute episodes), I could be watching this for quite awhile...**

**My parents arrived Thursday evening & we went out for mediocre Mexican food.  We should have just gone for gas station tacos because those never disappoint.  However, it had been a couple of years since I had gone, but we went to the same Mexican restaurant we had gone to when I first moved to my place & it had been really good then.  Apparently the food & service just went downhill...  Noted.**

**Both Thursday & Friday morning I had softball practice, so while I was at practice Friday morning my parents went out to Gilbert Pecan Co, a place we had gone to last year.  Once we were all back, we went to lunch & the Texas Civil War Museum.   When we were done at the museum we came back for Nash so we could go for a hike**

(My dad is literally Nash's favorite human...)

We of course ate all the food.  We got BBQ Saturday night at a place that none of us had ever been to before.  It was a little hole in the wall in the middle of nowhere.  It was ok.  I've had worse & I've had far better.  It was nothing to write home about, other than the fact that I am 99% sure that the potato salad gave me a small case of food poisoning that night...  The crawfish from Hoochies, the burger from Twisted Root, & as always the steak salad from Star Cafe were all delicious**

On Saturday we went to the Stockyards for Cowtown Goes Green.  We watched the cattle drive, watched some armadillo races, & just wandered around in & out of stores.  We also went back out to Gilbert Pecan Co & it was out in a town near there where we got the BBQ.

**My parents left Sunday a little before noon to head back to Minnesota.  Nash & I laid around for a long time after that doing absolutely nothing but watch Gossip Girl.  I thought about having groceries delivered, or just doing pick up, but by the time I got my butt in gear Walmart had no more pick up for the day, I'd have to wait until like 8-9 pm for Kroger, & the delivery fee/tip was about 1/3 of  what I was actually going to be spending on groceries so I decided to just go myself.**

**Since it was nice out, when I got back from the store Nash & I went to Starbucks & then to the dog park.  He had fun for awhile until another dog started to bully him.  Of course that dog's owner didn't give a shit.  I wanted to punt the little Yorkie over the fence.  After that Nash pretty much stayed by my side so I decided we might as well just leave.  Even though I had gone to the store, I did 0 meal prep when we got back.  It was just more Gossip Girl until bed**


  1. Glad you're into GG - it's a show I always go back to watching :) Sorry the mexican food wasn't as good as you remember - that's never fun! Hope you have a great start to the week. xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Oh I love Gossip Girl!! Love me some Tripp Van Bilt!! Happy Monday!

  3. I've been watching Gossip Girl too! I'm in the last season because I've been watching 2/3 episodes a night!

  4. Bryan always wants to take everyone who visits from out of town to the Stockyards. I always tell him - you know this isn't representative of what Texas is like right??

  5. FOUR MORE WEEKS until the end of the semester.
    That's my silver lining that Spring Break is over.

  6. If I had a cat, I would def want to take their bday off too hahaha.
