Wednesday, March 13, 2019

What I'm Loving Volume 1

1. Schitt's Creek
This is so cute & funny.  The first 4 seasons are on Netflix right now & I'm just over here waiting for season 5 to hit Netflix because I don't want to pay $2/episode on Amazon.  The last episode had me happy crying & now I NEED to know what happens next!

I was in line at Trader Joe's the other day & these kept staring at me.  I'm a sucker for anything salted caramel.  I was going to eat them sparingly, I ate them in no time...

3. Jason Stephenson Guided Meditations on YouTube
I used to sleep like crap.  Like would go to bed at 9 & wake up at 5 but in that 8 hour time span would only get 5-6 hours of sleep.  Then I started listening to his guided meditations at bedtime & I now average between 6.5-7 hours of sleep a night.  I mostly just find his voice super relaxing.  I never make it through a whole meditation before passing out.

4. Trader Joe's Cilantro & Jalapeno Hummus
I read about this on Emily's post about her Trader Joe's favorites & now I'm addicted!  Seriously so good!  I pretty much inhaled the first one & now have 2 sitting in my fridge waiting for my parents to show up for the weekend tomorrow.  Ok, I may have opened one of them & had a little bit...

These also came recommended from Emily's post.  They go perfect with the hummus!

6. Spring Break
I am currently on spring break & it is exactly what I needed.  Plus, once we return next week there are only 50 school days left...& I won't even be there for all of them!

Confession: I *liked* her first book but I didn't love it.  At least not the first time.  Then I listened to it a second time & I liked it so much more!  I'm currently listening to this one now.


  1. Mmmmmm salted caramels... don't tell me about those!

  2. I ate chocolate with sea salt on it yesterday (granted only a bite of it) but it was so yummy. Now Im convinced that salt and chocolate together are magic

  3. Central Market also has a delicious sea salt caramel. Highly recommend trying. ;)

  4. Yasss Schitt's Creek! So glad you're on the bandwagon now haha!
