Monday, March 4, 2019

Monday Morning Coffee Vol. 3

It has been 7 weeks since I did my last Monday Morning Coffee.  A 1.5-2 month hiatus is NOT what I had in mind when I said there was changes coming to the blog.  So in hopes of bringing the hiatus to an end, how about a little Monday Morning Coffee!

**This morning I'm drinking out of my "MN Effing Nice" mug my friend got me from a cute little Etsy Shop called Minnesota Nice Enough.  It's not all MN specific & you should definitely check it out! (It's not my friend's shop FYI... I don't know the owners.)

**Life the past 2 months has been way too busy & I'm putting a stop to it.  I'm cutting out the things that no longer serve me so that I can bring back the things I do love and miss (aka blogging) as well as just have more me time**

**Health insurance in Texas is a joke, at least if you're a teacher.  A couple of weeks ago I went BACK to the doctor because I was still struggling to breathe & it cost me a $260 co-pay to go in.  I haven't even gotten the bill yet for the chest x-ray & such they did to see if I had pneumonia or bronchitis.  Turns out I just had a sinus infection.  Which I had just been there 3 weeks prior & had a $170 co-pay for a different doctor to tell me "oh it's probably just allergies..."**

**I have some vague news, which I am aware is annoying lol, that is a big release of stress for me, but is going to make others not so happy.  I thought about, and started typing out what it was, but I haven't told them yet & I'm not 100% sure who all does & doesn't read my blog**

**I have a date tonight!**

**This is the last week of school before spring break & I am on cloud effing 9!  My 10th graders are just taking a test, my seniors just took a test, & we got an email over the weekend saying that if we donated to our "Excellence in Education" fund we can wear jeans every single day for the rest of the year.  Done & done!**

**I'm going to talk more about goals in an upcoming post, but I'm throwing some of those out as well!  March is 100% going to be a spring cleaning of my life**

**District games started for softball last week.  During the pre-season the girls won 3 games, which is 2 more than they won last year.  They also played their first full 7 inning district game last week, which is a first for them in I don't know how long.  There are still a lot of things to improve on but we'll see how the next 7-13 weeks go!**

**I missed blogging.  There were time though when it almost felt easier to just say screw it & completely throw in the towel because I had been gone so long.**

**There will still be changes coming to my blog, better than the disappearing act changes, but because of some of the stuff I'm cutting out of my life, they won't be exactly what I had had in mind at the beginning of the year**

**For the first time since moving to Texas 7 years ago I had to miss my annual trip to San Antonio to go to the rodeo with my friend Robyn because the day before the mechanic told me I needed new bearings on my tires & the parts wouldn't be in until a few days later**

**I'm over the weather.  I know it's colder in Minnesota (real feel of -9 in my hometown) but it's cold here too!  There is currently a real feel of 6.  This is not what I had in mind when I moved to Texas.  Granted when I moved to Texas I moved to the Houston area...  Which is still cold might I add!  Just not as cold (26 for anyone that cares)**

**I went out with a friend/coworker on Saturday night & we had such high hopes of being young & fun.  We talked about possibly dancing or going to a piano bar.  Instead we wound up sitting at a sports bar & called it a night at 11:30.  Not going to lie, that was a-okay with me.  #OldSoul**

Happy Monday everyone!  Linking up with Biana!  (Lord I've missed typing that!)


  1. Haha I totally feel you on not being young and fun and dancing the night away. I'll take a divey sports bar and early night any day. Have fun on your date tonight!

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend event to me! Love a good dive bar where you can act however you like! Annster's Domain

  3. I’m living vicariously through you, lol.

  4. We have opposite opinions about the week before spring break. I attribute this to our opposite roles.

    I wouldn't have made it to 11:30. I'm too old.

    Due to my ongoing battle with the insurance company and my doctor's office regarding my hot flashes prescription, I can admit to yelling "Why can't we just move to Germany and enjoy socialized healthcare?!?!" I'm over the fucking healthcare system in America.

  5. Yay, glad to see you're back! Although I def understand a break turning into something more. I worry that if I stopped my Friday posts for a "break," I would just stop posting altogether. Laziness is tempting me so much, haha. I thought my health insurance was lame (it's just Obamacare basically), but DAMN that is rough. I'm glad to hear that at least it wasn't anything serious, health-wise. (Although maybe that makes the cost tougher to swallow :-/)

  6. LOL. Oh the struggle of not knowing who does and doesn't read your blog. Yep, I have that one, too.
