Tuesday, March 13, 2018

What I'm Wishing For

I frequently add stuff to my Amazon wishlist.  I use it for my birthday list, my Christmas list, or "hey I have some Amazon gift cards from Swagbucks & need to spend money" list.

I currently have $5 in credit from a gift card & it's killing me.  However, it's not enough to cover much so I'm waiting.  Here's what's currently begging me to purchase it.





  1. I won't lie. I'm a sucker for face masks. They just feel so amazing!

  2. Oooh I love those sheets. I've been adding things to my Amazon list too... I have a couple gift cards to burn as well.

  3. That pink salt scrub sounds amazing!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  4. I tried those exact face masks - they're pretty good for the price

  5. Dryer balls changed my life and now I no longer buy softener.

    Also, Walmart has these sheets I love. Better Home & Garden and they are bamboo and suuuupppaaa soft and Teh German had them when he moved in and they are my favorites and I've since bought more. I lurve them. And they are cheap. I love cheap and awesome.
