Tuesday, January 9, 2018


A couple of weeks ago I read a post by Meg entitled New York.  I felt that post so deeply.  It's the same way I feel about the first place I lived post college.  So here is my version of Meg's post.

I miss my park.  I miss my neighbor lady who named & would water my sunflower when I was gone.  I miss lazy weekends at antique stores.  I miss living within walking distance of the best happy hour margaritas.  I miss having my shit together.  I miss being almost carefree.  I miss dancing.

For someone who was so ready to leave, there is actually a lot I miss about living in Houston.  But it's not really Houston, it's that chapter in my life.  It's a place that even if I moved back, it wouldn't be the same.  There's actually a question I'll be answering on the blog about "chapters in my life."  Houston alone could be split into two very distinct chapters, potentially even three.  The last chapter of Houston would explain why I was ready to leave.  99% of the above, among other things, stopped existing in the last chapter.

I love my job, I love my friends, I love Nash, I love how much there is to do in the DFW area.  But sometimes, just sometimes, I would give anything just to go back to the early chapter(s) of who I was & what my life was like in Houston.  Even if only for just a moment.

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