Friday, January 12, 2018

Five For Friday #2

1. 2 Days of Free Starbucks
**Almost 3.  I got a couple of gift cards for Christmas & I needed them this week.  3 days of Starbucks & it only cost me $1?  Yes please!**

2. There was a fight in my room & I almost got hit by a car
**In the same day!  Neither of these are positives...but they happened.  I'm in my 6th year of teaching, the first 3 spent at an inner city district in Houston, & on Wednesday I had my first classroom fight ever.  And of course it was a girl fight so it was brutal.  There was hair pulled out & a busted nose.  Then that afternoon as I got out of my car to cross the street for softball practice, because there is never anyone on that road, my head was so foggy because of my sinuses, & I was just having a bad day, I didn't look & almost got hit by a car... about half my players saw it go down.  I suppose the positives would be I DIDN'T get hit by the car & now I don't have to see the fighters for pretty much an entire week.**


4. Nash turned 9 months old

5. My friend is coming into town today from Minnesota
**This picture is 4 years old but I still love it**


  1. YAY friend from MN coming to town. Girl, brutal week, I worry about you, have fun and be safe this weekend! xo

    1. This week was one for the books that's for sure! Thank goodness I have a long weekend! Happy Friday!

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