Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What's Up Wednesday

Guess who is slacking when it comes to blogging again?  THIS GIRL!

Linking up with Sheaffer & Shay.

What I'm Eating... Leftovers made from stuff that was grilled over the long weekend.  We grilled steaks, chicken, pork tenderloin, asparagus, & jalapenos.

What I'm Loving... That the weather has been warm/hot during the day but cool at night.

What I've Been Up To... still working on my real estate license.  I'm taking my 4th exam today & then have 2 more classes & my final exam to take.

What I'm Excited About... Summer school.  That's right.  I said it.  As a general rule I do NOT do summer school.  I was a sub/alternate summer school teacher my very first year of teaching & vowed to never do it again.  To me the time & what you deal with during summer school simply wasn't worth the money.  However, this summer it's all online!  I volunteered to do both sessions although the jury is still out on whether I'll be doing one or both.  Either way it's just 4 hours a day M-F that I have to be available to students online.  That kind of time/being able to be at home IS worth the extra money to me.

What I'm Watching... Danny & I are still slowly but surely getting through House of Cards on Netflix.  We're in season 4 right now.  I think we've already decided to watch/re-watch Sons of Anarchy next.  He's seen the whole thing.  I didn't start watching until season 5 so I have no idea what happened the first 4 seasons lol.

What I'm Wearing... lots of workout clothes again.  My gym is back open at 25% capacity, although there hasn't even been close to that many people in there.  Every other machine is blocked off & on top of everyone using the equipment having to sanitize it after use, there are workers sanitizing machines not being used the entire day as well.  

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