Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday Morning Coffee Vol. 8

Happy Monday!  This is a short week for me.  I took Thursday off because it's Nash's birthday.  I may not have taken my own birthday off but I sure as heck took his off.  #DogMomAF  I hope that everyone had a fabulous weekend!

**Last week I mentioned that my car had broken down on me when I tried to go get coffee.  Luckily the fix was fast, cheap, & easy.  I got a text on Monday just before noon saying my car was ready & the problem was going to cost me under $100.**

**On Tuesday the softball girls lost 5-15, which while not good, is better than the last time we played the same team.  The previous time the game was 0-20 so they big time closed the gap.  On Friday they also lost, with the exact same final score as when they had played the same team before.  The girls are now 2-8 in district**

**Wednesday was an early release day which I have a love/hate relationship with.  It's nice being done with classes at 2, but nothing gets done because kids are in class for 30 minutes.  Also, they always feel like Fridays to me.  Even with Wednesday feeling like a Friday last week flew by for me.  But despite the first week of April flying by, the month overall still seems to be moving at a snail's pace.**

**Friday was the unofficial senior skip day because it was prom.  That means in my 5th & 6th periods I had a total of 11 students.  I had to leave early for a softball game during my 6th period & when I told them they had the option of either going next door & watching the movie with another class or staying in my room, they all looked up from their phones, silently looked at me, & then looked right back at their phones.**

**My friend Ryan is in town for training so we got to meet up for supper a few times.  Raising Cane's twice, because Canes sauce, & then I finally got him to try gas station tacos.**

**My friend Katherine from grad school came to visit over the weekend from the panhandle & she brought her dog Annie.  She & Nash loved playing with each other.  However, the first night they stayed was an adjustment because there is never anyone else that stays here, especially not another dog.  Nash didn't know what to think or how to act.  Bedtime was definitely stressful.**

**While they were here we went to a MN Wild vs Dallas Stars game.  That was actually the main focus/purpose for the trip.  The first 2 periods nothing happened.  I didn't go in expecting for MN to win since we were in last place for our division & Dallas got the wild card spot for the playoffs, but after 2 periods of nothing I thought...

...but no.  Everything happened in the final period & Minnesota lost 0-3.  It was still a fun time though & while looking for parking online I had managed to find someone selling their parking pass for the garage that is right across the street.  I now feel spoiled & don't want to do events there any other way.  Cross your fingers that I can find one for this coming weekend!

**We also found a gigantic field of bluebonnets where it was actually safe to take pictures, AKA not just pulling off on the freeway or running across an access road to take pictures in a ditch.  After 7 years of living in Texas, I FINALLY have a picture in bluebonnets.  If they're still there in a few weeks I'm taking my Minnesota friends.  My picture is just a selfie because I was mostly concerned with not letting Nash get away & taking his picture while Katherine was off having the same dilemma with Annie lol.  #priorities**

Have a great week!


  1. The dogs look like siblings! it's cute.

    Our local ECHL team won last night IN THE LAST MINUTE OF THE DAMN GAME and I'm sad and glad. Glad because we won. Sad because now this will become Husband's life. Also, the Hurricanes and the Capitals are against each other for NHL and my #1 is Hurricanes and Husband's #1 is the Capitals.. soo #HouseDivided, looolz. Caps are my #2, so I'm not gonna be sad if either wins.

  2. Happy birthday Nashy! I'm ready to take MORE time off - especially as the weather is so nice now

  3. The "gas station tacos" comment had me laughing out loud! HA! I am sure they are awesome! Anytime I stop at a Podunk place; it ends up begin amazing food! Annster's Domain

  4. What a fun week of visitors! I definitely know the struggle of not wanting to risk your life BUT FLOWERS!!1! haha
