Friday, December 8, 2017

12 Signs I Have Reached Adulthood

Have you ever had one of the moments where all of a sudden it hits you, you're an adult?  Not that oh I'm 18 so I'm a grown up.  Not oh I pay my own bills & have my own place.  But holy mother of pearl this is what adulthood looks like, I can't even pretend I'm not a full blown grown up anymore.


That's when it hit me.

I've only been 29 for about a month & a half but adulthood has struck with a vengeance.  Here are some things that made me realize I am in fact getting older.

"While Morgan is celebrating her 21st birthday with Snapchat filters and drinks, I was in bed by 8 watching Bad Moms with my dog. Be prepared Morgan...this is 29..."

1. I got new tires & a good frying pan for my birthday.

2. If it's during the week I most definitely eat supper between 5:30-6:30.

3. I go to bed around 9 & wake up at 5...pretty much every day of the week & I'm okay with that.

4. If I'm out & I'm tired, I will go home & not care what anyone else thinks.

5. I don't care what strangers think about me.

6. I can't be peer pressured/made to feel guilty about not doing something I don't want to/can't do.

7. I'm always tired.

8. My Christmas list consists of stuff for my home & kitchen.

9. I don't mind being out late (sometimes) but hate going out if it's not starting until 8 or later.

10. More often than not I'd rather stay home.

11. I will not waste time on boys who won't put in effort.

12. On Black Friday I ordered a new vacuum & I was so excited about it that when I got it I vacuumed...twice.


  1. LOVE!!! You'll care even less as you get older what others think. Frying it!! have a joyous weekend sweet friend!

    1. Seriously I'm in LOVE with the frying pan. Ha I'm a little concerned that if I care any less what people think I'll just come off as rude.

  2. 12 makes me laugh so hard, I totally did the same with my robot vacuum. Best birthday gift ever.

  3. Number seven all the way... so sad

  4. new tires AND a new frying pan? how fancy. and a new vacuum? i am with you, all my christmas wants are for the kitchen and whatnot. i just got a new vacuum recently and normally vacuuming is KC's job but i'm still so in love with it i'm like ME ME ME.

  5. That was me when I hit 30. It was a miracle.
    Which vacuum did you get? Did you get a Barry? I love Barry.
    I think my favorite part of being "old" is that people KNOW to feed me. If I'm grouchy and it's around eating time, people start shoving food in my face. If Teh German and I are having a disagreement and it's around food time, we eat and magically, things get better. This is also true if one of us is frustrated about something. The other will suggest eating and then problems vanish. Crazy.

  6. *praise hands emojis* All of the above, girl. MORGAN, GET READY. haha I hate being out late, and the thought of LEAVING THE HOUSE after 8 PM is like nah, bro. Still so jealous of your vacuum!!

  7. Haha I get excited about new home stuff and most definitely do not go to any event starting at8pm or later! Adulting, right?!
