Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Goodbye October

Here we are, Halloween, the last day of October.  Another month down.  In just 2 short months, because you know they're going to fly, it's going to be 2018!  But let's not get ahead of ourselves.  Here's a look at my October in numbers.

29 - The age I turned

2 - nights spent in Austin, TX

5 - volleyball games coached

3 - junior high volleyball games attended

18 - days taught

20 - blog posts

1833 - followers on instagram

4 - bands seen in concert

7 - inches cut off my hair

6 - months old Nash turned

84 - episodes of It's Always Sunny watched


  1. Nash is just so cute! Cant believe he is six months already!

  2. LOVE that picture of Nash! Don't go October!

    1. Poor Mr. Nash is kicking off November by going to the vet... he's getting the cone of shame.

  3. I haven't watched It's Always Sunny in so long. Is it still on? I don't even know. ~insert YOU'RE SO STUPID ala Kitten Mittens here~
