Thursday, February 2, 2017

Winter Goals Check In

This is my last shot to complete my winter goals.  Luckily, I've pretty much killed my goals this season.

1. Donate Blood [#3 29 by 29/#42 101 in 1001]

2. Spend NYE with a Significant Other [#8 29 by 29/#13 101 in 1001]
**Pretty sure I need to just change this goal to "Spend NYE with Helen & Caleb" because that's who I spent NYE 2015 & 2016 with**

3. Eat at 6 New Bars/Restaurants [#9 29 by 29/#21 101 in 1001]
**I'm well beyond this actually**

4. Get My Own Place [#11 29 by 29]
**I could probably bold this one as I know it's going to happen.  I have the paperwork done I just can't move in until Feb 11**

5. Watch the Sunrise on New Year's Day [#14 29 by 29/#81 101 in 1001]
**You can read about it here**

6. Send Christmas Cards [#15 29 by 29/#86 101 in 1001]

7. Read 6 Books [#18 29 by 29/#10 101 in 1001]
**I'm on book 5 right now**

8. Do a 30 Day Fitness Challenge [#19 29 by 29/#15 101 in 1001]

9. Build a Snowman [#27 29 by 29/#84 101 in 1001]
**I technically did this in the was November but whatever I'm counting it**

10. Visit a Museum [#29 29 by 29/#31 101 in 1001]


  1. I would totally count the snowman! :) The idea of watching the sunrise on New Year's Day is awesome. I think I might have to start this tradition next year! And woo-hoo about your own place!!! Feb. 11th will be here in no time!

  2. The snowman totally counts! And the new place!

  3. Good job donating blood! I've only recently gotten semi-ok with getting blood work done, but I am just not there yet with donating blood. :-/

    1. Thanks! I can't watch them stick the needle in but once it's in it's fine.
