A little over a year ago I posted my first edition of TBT: Blog Style. I think I was going to make it a thing? Clearly I didn't since it took me 14 months to do a second one...
I was sitting around on Sunday while watching football, and avoiding responsibilities such as homework & meal prep, trying to come up with a post for today. I already had posts scheduled for the rest of the week, & even some for farther in the future, but I could not think of anything for today. I scoured Pinterest for post ideas, I looked in my planner at the ideas for potential posts I had written down, I wasn't interested in any of them. Two things that suddenly make you wonder what in the world you actually do with your life/for fun? 1)When people ask you what you do for fun/what your hobbies are. 2)Feeling like you have nothing interesting/new to share on your blog.
I ultimately decided that it would be fun to do another edition of Throwback Thursday: Blog Style. Just like last time there will be a link to the original post as well as commentary/current thoughts on that post/what was going on.
Bake-N-Blog Part 2: First of all, you know what I miss? Like all the time miss? Picnik. It was my favorite collage maker/photo editor. Anyway, moving on. I had participated in a link up where we each chose a cupcake recipe from Ming Makes Cupcakes. The link up was hosted by Jessica. I don't follow her blog anymore, but Jessica was one of the very first blogs I ever followed. I "knew" her from a military S/O forum that no longer exists. It was actually because of that forum that I even started a blog in the first place. This post shows, that despite being a big time planner, I am a procrastinator to my core. At the end of the post I said I "definitely want to try Ming's other recipes at some point." Well guess what? Six years later & I haven't tried any more of them...
This post makes me nostalgic for multiple reasons. 1)I miss living in that kind of crappy apartment in the "hood" with my friends in college. 2)I miss Picnik like I already said. 3)It shows me just how much not only my blog has changed, but also how much blogging in general has changed in the past 5-6 years. I feel like fun link-ups like this used to be more prevalent. I don't want my blog to go back to 99% link-ups like it was at one point, but I do miss the link-ups that took more of an effort, or made you think more/show more about who you are, rather than the here's what I did this week/weekend. I'm sure they exist, just not on any blogs that I follow anymore.
Short version of my rant: I'm in a rut & I don't quite know how to get out..
Fill in the Blank Friday: Speaking of link-ups... This was another one that I frequently participated in. It may not have taken any real effort, but it was fun & not as mundane as my current Friday Five/Favorites seems to be getting. The link-up was hosted by Lauren who I also no longer follow. Why? Blog priorities change. People start having kids & that becomes what 99% of their blog is & I lose interest because I wasn't invested in the blog enough in the first place.
For those of you that are moms, because I still follow a lot of you, please don't take this the wrong way. I follow many mommy bloggers. And for those of you that I do still follow, I love reading about your kids, they're adorable. The thing is, for those of you that I still follow, you already had me hooked on your blog. Whether that be because you already had kids when I started reading, or I found your blog so interesting that once you had kids that didn't change.
In less *womp womp* news... Saturdays are still my favorite, I still rather like bacon, & I can still hardly wait for my birthday.

The Day From Hell: Oh my first year of teaching. I have no idea what I would have done to annoy my AP, nor do I remember what teacher I laughed at, or even what student was accused of stealing. I do remember the struggle with my car though & being sick. 4 years later I'm still pretty sure I should've just called in sick that day...it would've been 100x better if I had.
This Weekend I... Oh hey what do ya know? Another link-up. I still do this one though, just with a different host. I don't follow the two that used to host this anymore. One blog doesn't even exist anymore, & the other one, Syndall, hasn't blogged in 5 months. Not the point.
I remember this weekend, it was a "dramatic" one. I was all whoa is me over Mr. Fireman. That's also why I cut my hair. I wanted to chop off more but the girl talked me out of it. You know that quote, "a woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life." Yeah well things were shit with Mr. Fireman, he had loved my long hair, I wanted to start a new chapter, & I was a dramatic 24 year old...
Advice to younger me: if you're unhappy and/or he's unhappy. Walk away. Because unless you're both willing to make it work, it's not going to & your unhappiness/resentment will only grow.
I really miss that apartment though, & that town. I still maintain that if I could move Tomball, TX up here, I would. I also wish I still had that recipe for that soup because it was amazing. The link that I once had to it on Pinterest though disappeared & I haven't found another one close to it since.

Reunited And It Feels So Good: Whenever I'm in Texas I miss these people. My group of friends from college are the best. We've been through everything together & for the past, holy shit 9 years, they've been like a second family to me. 2 years ago Heather was the first of us to get married, and actually still the only one. She's 100% the most responsible out of all of us so it's definitely best that she was the first to get married & have a kid...
Four More Things Vol. 9: I had gotten this post idea from Teh Megan. In a turn of events, unlike the previous 4 bloggers I've mentioned, I STILL FOLLOW HER! Volume 9 of Four More Things was a look at my life now compared to how it was 4 years ago. It was crazy enough seeing how much life had changed in those 4 years. But what's even crazier is how much as changed in the year since I posted that. I'm no longer a teacher, I don't live with that same roommate, I'm in grad school... It'll be interesting to see where the next 365 days take me...

I love throwback posts! The cupcake looks delish!!! I could go for one (or seven) of those right now, haha!
ReplyDeleteBOOM STILL AROUND! lol. Thank for the shoutout! :)
ReplyDeleteI really give props to FB's On This Day and Timehop for blasting us with the past. It is awesome to see so much personal growth.
any blog where all they post is about their kids or family, I don't read...not interested. i don't mind one or two posts but all the time and a billion photos? no thanks.
ReplyDeleteI have quit following a few blogs because the posts were all about kids after a pregnancy was announced or a baby was born. And frankly, it annoys me when there is no mention of the blogger's husband after the kid arrives. I think a lot of unhappy kids come from households where the parents' relationship fell apart.
ReplyDeleteFunny how some homes can seem "crappy" at the time, but you miss them later. I now have fond memories of a couple of our previous homes.