Monday night I sat down to write out a post for Tuesday. I had no motivation. Tuesday night I sat down to do a confessions post for Wednesday. I was exhausted. Wednesday morning at work I started to write a confessions post despite my normal need for posts to go live at midnight. I was in such a piss poor mood with a migraine that it would have been straight negativity in the worst kind of way so I let it be. Now that my migraine is gone & I don't want 3 straight days of not posts I'm ready to write. I'm still too exhausted to get super creative but I think I can handle a "currently" post.

Reading... A whole lotta nothing. I put my book on hold again. Even reading blogs has been a struggle lately. #IMissFreeTime

Anticipating... Thanksgiving break. I'm so ready for a decent size break from work. Plus, I get to see my family again for the first time since August & get to meet my friend's brand new baby boy! #FrauntieStatusAchieved

Buying... all things related to music... is anyone really shocked? #AllThingsKipMooreAndEricChurch

Praying... I can make it through teaching until June 2017 & still keep my sanity #ICanDoThisICanDoThisICanDoThis

Listening... to Eric Church's secretly released album Mr. Misunderstood. Go buy it on iTunes. Seriously. Go. #EricFuckingChurch

Watching... I've been randomly catching up with my fall shows online. NCIS: LA, Hawaii Five-0, Nashville, Chicago Fire, Blood & Oil, still haven't started The Walking Dead though. #NotHavingDVRIsHard

Devouring... Sour Patch kids. My mama bought me a 2 lb bag of them as a joke for my birthday & I already had my own 2 lb bag. #FruityCandyIsMyJam
Loving... That the highs are now in the 60s & 70s instead of the 80s & 90s #FallHasArrived #SweaterWeather

If you've never seen the above
Hating... That I currently work 6 am until 4 pm & starting next week it'll be 6 am until 7 pm at the earliest. #ButTeachingIsEasyRight #YesImStillBitter

Wanting... To watch football on Sunday with Mr. Midwest again since our teams play each other. #VikingsVsRams

Hoping... I get my admission essays back soon from the people I asked to proofread them. #GradSchoolHereICome

Feeling... stressed & exhausted beyond belief #7MoreMonths #WishIHadntJustCounted

Wishing... I could get my blogging mojo back #PleaseSendMotivation

Hang in there girl!! The weekend is coming!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years time off!
ReplyDeleteI'm the worst at reading blogs so I feel your pain. "Mark all as read is pretty much my favorite thing ever. Which is sad/bad.
ReplyDeleteI love Sour Patch Kids. I feel the need for some now.
ReplyDeleteSeriously where did our free time go. Sour Patch give me hot flashes from all the sugar! God lord I can't imagine a 2 pound bag.
ReplyDeleteNo JK, Teh German told me he was going out with a friend one night this week for drinks and on the inside I secretly cheered and was like, "YAAASSS, gym, shower, pjs, PBJ for dinner, reading in bed until he gets home." laziness AND reading all in one. #win