Thursday, April 2, 2015

Relationships Are Complex

The topic for March was "relationships."  The first two were topic related goals while the rest were just personal goals.  March is always a crazy month for me so I failed pretty hard.

1. When people are visiting stay off my phone.
No WiFi. Talk to each other! Call your mom! Pretend it's 1993!
I did use it to take a couple of pictures but that was about it.

2. Take a 30 min walk at least once a week to clear my head.
This would've required me having at least 30 minutes to myself this month...

3. Credit card for Corpus & Alicia only

I spent about $100 more than I wanted to...

4. Complete March workout challenge

5. Average 6,000 steps a day


6. #100HappyDays 60-90
To see the rest follow me on IG.  briannemcc

7. Work on 5 101 in 1001 2.0 goals
a. Finish coloring book
b. Stop biting nails
c. Stay off Facebook for a week
d. Don't swear for a week
e. Watch sunrise/sunset in the same day

The theme for April is "finances" which I desperately need after putting an extra $100 on my credit card in March...

1. Put no more than $150 on my credit card (only use for Luckenbach)
2. Only eat out 4x max
3. Only go to the grocery store once a week
4. Have $400 in savings
5. Average 7000 steps a day
6. Complete 100 photo challenge
7. Finish a coloring book
8. Donate blood
9. Keep my nails painted/don't bite them
10. Watch the sunrise/sunset in the same day


  1. Good April goals---I'm a finance nerd so I love them and can't wait to see how you do! :)

  2. Good goals. You can do it! I love #10 of course.

  3. Yay for increasing your number of steps per day! And good luck with your spending goals!

  4. way to go staying off your phone! pictures don't count i reckon. good luck with your april goals!

  5. Pictures don't count. Good goals for next month. Donating blood is always needed so that is a great one.

  6. Let's knock out #5 and #8!! I actually have an appointment to donate on Monday but with my luck, my iron will be too low - as usual. Going to see what I can do though!

    As for the steps - LET'S DO IT!!! My daily goal is 10k but I'll bug you about hitting 7k too!!

  7. haha love the goals and that you beat them but Im laughing at the gif for the steps taken. Perfecto!!!
