I actually turned 26.5 a week ago today. Last week was a shitty week though & I didn't feel like doing shit...blogging included. At 26.5, I still count birthdays in halves. Mostly because I love my birthday that much. Also because deep down I'm still a 5 year old...
6 months ago I started my 27 by 27 list. I was looking over it & I find it will never cease to amaze me how much can change in such a little time. Some of my goals I've already completed, some are in progress, some will never get completed because they aren't relevant anymore. Here's my halfway point check in.

There are a few reasons this one is no longer relevant.
A. I can't afford to move back to MN
B. I love TX
B. I love TX
2. Get a teaching job

I'm working on it. I've had 2 interviews so far...which is actually pretty good considering it's only April & school's hire right up until August.

Getting into the U of M would require moving back to MN which we've already established isn't happening. I'm also not planning on going back to school this fall. I'm going to give teaching another full year before I make any decisions.
4. Get a serving job

This one all depends. If I don't get a full time teaching job then I will look for a serving job & subbing jobs. However, I get a full time teaching job I am not also working a part time serving job. Can we all just pray I get a teaching job. #MamaHasBills
5. Visit a new state

I have no new states planned. Kickass Cousin & I will be travelling through 12 different states on our trip in June but I've been to all of those before. Maybe I'll fly out to Cali to visit a couple of friends...

This one was literally impossible. Even if I was moving back to MN for good in June, I was still in Texas up until that point making it impossible to see her at least once a month...
7. Read 12 books

I go through reading phases. There are times when I'll read multiple books in one month & then sometimes I'll go multiple months without reading any books. I am working on the list though. I'm confident I'll make it to 12.
8. Go to 6 concerts
Anyone who has been around this blog for any amount of times knows that I aimed ridiculously low on this goal. I have probably doubled that in the 6 months since I turned 26. #MusicIsLife
9. Run 6 races

That's not entirely true. I used to...and there is a big part of me that would like to do another race...I just haven't. I didn't cross this goal out yet because it is still technically possible. Although if I'm being honest with myself & y'all, it's not going to happen. I haven't run a single race in 6 months which means I have to run one every single month...
10. Pay of 2 debts (credit cards/loans)

I paid off one of my credit cards awhile back so it's half done. I'm also almost 100% sure I'll have my smallest loan paid off within the next 6 months.
11. Create a wreath for each season

Maybe if I had a glue gun I'd have even one of these done...I'm also really attached to my little American flag that hangs on my door... It's starting to fade though so I need to start making them.
12. Make 12 new recipes

Thanks to Pinterest this took no time at all.
13. Send someone a card each month

I have always been a card person & snail mail is the best.
14. Do 52 Week $ Challenge

Pretty sure I'm doing it "wrong" as in I'm not letting it build up for the entire time...but moving will do that to ya. I'll still have the same amount going into savings but instead of not using it until the end I'm using part of it now to help with moving/paying off debt. The original plan for it was to put the entire amount on a debt at the end anyway.

Pretty sure I'm doing it "wrong" as in I'm not letting it build up for the entire time...but moving will do that to ya. I'll still have the same amount going into savings but instead of not using it until the end I'm using part of it now to help with moving/paying off debt. The original plan for it was to put the entire amount on a debt at the end anyway.
15. Get motorcycle license

I don't know if it'll happen before my birthday or not but I really want to get it. I've wanted a motorcycle since I was little.

I don't know if it'll happen before my birthday or not but I really want to get it. I've wanted a motorcycle since I was little.
16. Paddleboard

Two things with this one. A)I can't really swim B)I have almost no upper body strength. I still really want to do it though. It seems like it could be a lot of fun.

Two things with this one. A)I can't really swim B)I have almost no upper body strength. I still really want to do it though. It seems like it could be a lot of fun.

I think I made it through February...if that. It was few months & that was it. I hated it. It was worse than trying to journal in length every day.
18. Turn Pinterest quotes into a book

I love quotes. I have an obsession with quotes. I hated that they were just sitting on an online board though so I wanted a way to physically have them without plastering 100s of quotes on my walls.
I love quotes. I have an obsession with quotes. I hated that they were just sitting on an online board though so I wanted a way to physically have them without plastering 100s of quotes on my walls.
19. Visit 1 new MLB ballpark

I want to see all of them but I feel like my best bets are Wrigley, Cellular, or Miller while I'm in MN or Global Life when I move back down to DFW in August.

I want to see all of them but I feel like my best bets are Wrigley, Cellular, or Miller while I'm in MN or Global Life when I move back down to DFW in August.
20. Attend a MLB, NHL, & NFL game

A bonus to moving to the DFW are is that they actually have a hockey team. They may have stolen that team from MN but they have a team & that's all that matters. That means I can finally see hockey live again! And no, I didn't accidentally forget about basketball. I do not care about basketball whatsoever.

A bonus to moving to the DFW are is that they actually have a hockey team. They may have stolen that team from MN but they have a team & that's all that matters. That means I can finally see hockey live again! And no, I didn't accidentally forget about basketball. I do not care about basketball whatsoever.

This one makes me sad. I love the MN State Fair. The last time I went though was in 2011. It's scheduled at the end of August through Labor Day & because I'm already down in TX teaching at that time I have missed it every year since I moved.
22. Food Festival

I've been to music festivals. I've even been to a beer festival. I have never been to one dedicated to food though, and for a girl who loves food this needs to be fixed.

I've been to music festivals. I've even been to a beer festival. I have never been to one dedicated to food though, and for a girl who loves food this needs to be fixed.
23. Photograph MSP

I don't care where in the world I live, or where in the world I visit, the Minneapolis skyline always has been & always will be my favorite.

I don't care where in the world I live, or where in the world I visit, the Minneapolis skyline always has been & always will be my favorite.
24. Start online dating if single on 27th birthday

I don't know where I stand on this one at the moment. Obviously if I'm with someone at that point in time I'm not going to do it. But I also don't know if that's how I want to meet someone. I've done the whole online dating thing before. It has never really gone well. We'll see...I have 6 more months. Anything is possible.

I don't know where I stand on this one at the moment. Obviously if I'm with someone at that point in time I'm not going to do it. But I also don't know if that's how I want to meet someone. I've done the whole online dating thing before. It has never really gone well. We'll see...I have 6 more months. Anything is possible.
25. Skydive

So much like paddle boarding I don't really know why this is on the list other than the mere fact it seems like it could be really fun. The thing is I'm terrified of heights & am not keen on dying yet...

So much like paddle boarding I don't really know why this is on the list other than the mere fact it seems like it could be really fun. The thing is I'm terrified of heights & am not keen on dying yet...
26. Learn to play guitar

I have had some type of guitar in my possession since I was 15. That's 11 years. So why can't I play guitar? Because I haven't taken lessons & that's what it's going to take. I played alto sax in band when I was in middle school/high school & I taught myself to play that. I haven't been able to do that with the guitar.

I have had some type of guitar in my possession since I was 15. That's 11 years. So why can't I play guitar? Because I haven't taken lessons & that's what it's going to take. I played alto sax in band when I was in middle school/high school & I taught myself to play that. I haven't been able to do that with the guitar.
27. Go fishing 3 times

It has been years since I've gone fishing. I used to love it I just haven't made time to go or had anyone to go with. This summer...it's happening!

It has been years since I've gone fishing. I used to love it I just haven't made time to go or had anyone to go with. This summer...it's happening!
What a great list of goals! Congrats on already having two interviews - hope the rest pan out well for you!
ReplyDeletethe only food festival i have been to is the food & wine festival at epcot... it was good! i have never been fishing, i don't think lol
ReplyDeleteGetting my motorcycle license was easy peasy (just take the test)... getting the bike was the more difficult part. I did also take the MSF class, which was totally worth it.
ReplyDeletehell yes to paying off one of your cards. i hate credit card debt so congrats to that!
ReplyDeleteYou might want to hold off on visiting Wrigley until they get it put back together. You're in Minnesota, have you seen Target Field yet?
ReplyDeletePaying off debt is a good goal. You couldn't pay me to skydive.