Saturday, July 12, 2014

It's What's For Dinner

...or rather who I'd like to have over for dinner.  Today's prompt in the blog a day link up with Allie is the 5 people dead or alive you'd like to have dinner with.  I actually did a post like this a little over a year ago except I had 10 people.  So in order to follow the guidelines looks like I'll be cutting that list in half.

1. Jesus
"Beer with Jesus" - Thomas Rhett

2. George Strait

3. Eric Church
WeFest 2013.  Unless I ever get to meet this man, no moment will ever top winning 8th row seats.

4. Jennifer Lawrence

5. Jackie Kennedy


  1. Ooh Jackie Kennedy and Jennifer Lawrence are good ones! Love Jackie's style

  2. Definitely Jesus ... and well who can pass up Jennifer Lawrence.
