Monday, June 30, 2014

A Weekend On The Road

Some friends & I spent most of the day at Saint Arnold's Brewery.  It's a local brewery in Houston.  It's only the second time I've ever been there but it was a lot of fun.  We drank a lot of beer, talked, & started playing a game but never actually finished it.

After we left there I had to haul ass back to my house & then to my old apartment so I could drop off my keys.  My sweet neighbor lady left a card for me in the office.  It definitely started opening up the flood gates.  I called Mr. Fireman when I got back to my house to see what time he was coming over & felt bad for hustling him off the phone but the second I hung up I lost it.  Like doubled over, ugly crying.  Everything became way too real.  It was the last time I would see Mr. & Mrs. Hipster on the regular and the last time I would ever be at my apartment.  I'm so weird about change.  I hate being in one place for too long & like/need to do new things but when it comes to big things like that I hate the adjustment period.

Mr. Fireman came over and took me out for supper.  We tried a new place called the White Flamingo.  It wasn't what we expected, as in considering it's not in the classiest neighborhood it was really nice.  The food was really good though.  Afterwards we just hung out at my house watching Space Jam & then he stayed with me so I wouldn't have to be alone on my last night...and ya know prevent any further breakdowns.

Mr. Fireman & I woke up at the ass crack of dawn so he could go to work & I could hit the road.  I don't care how long I live there I will never get over how big Texas is.  It took me 5.5 hours to hit Arkansas.  I had never been to Arkansas before which is why I didn't take my normal route home.  Somewhere around BFE Arkansas I started getting whiny so I called my mom.  My ass was so numb from being in the car that long.  I stopped at the Natural Bridge of Arkansas somewhere along the way.  It was really neat.  I also got to drive through the Ozarks which was really pretty.  I don't care where they are or how many times I see them mountains will never get old.  By the time I rolled up to Branson around 5:30-6 at night I was starving & not in the mood to really do anything.  I ordered some pizza hut pasta (they didn't bring me silverware) so I ate it with my fingers...because I'm classy like that...and laid in bed watching Army Wives.

I finally made it back to Minnesota.  I did nothing but drive all damn day.  I woke up at 5 am & left around 5:45.  I rolled into my hometown around 5 pm where I bought some flowers & cupcakes before heading home because it was my mama's birthday.  We grilled some chicken for supper.  Just being home is so nice.  I haven't been back here in almost 6 months.  Being on the road all day, for 2 days in a row, took a lot out of me so it was an early bedtime for me.  If you want to see all of my Instagram trip photos you can do so here.  You can tell I wasn't as into it on day 2 as I was the first day.  If you don't already follow me I'm private but I'll accept you if you send the request.

Music Monday
I haven't added one of these to my Monday post in awhile & when this song came around I knew I wanted to include it.  It's not exactly new but I love it & seeing as I just got back to my parents' place yesterday it's kind of perfect.
Luke Bryan - Dirt Road Diary


  1. Awww the pasta with your fingers makes me so sad! How could they forget that, especially when delivering to a hotel where they should KNOW you won't have any laying around? Glad you're home safe - have a great visit!

  2. That sucks that they didn't give you silverware! I hope that you have a good visit!
    Natalie @

  3. I'm the same way and always get emotional before a big change, even when I know it's for the best!

  4. Ugh I hate driving for that long, i always get so bored.

  5. Don't feel bad, I ate cheesy potatoes from Taco Bell with my fingers more than one time when they forgot to give me a fork.. hey, girl's gotta eat!

  6. I'm excited for your change! And yum, PIZZA HUT PASTA!

  7. omg pasta with your hands - i would have done the same thing. and SPACE JAM!

  8. Oh lord just THINKING about all that driving makes me antsy! haha
