Monday, March 24, 2014

Job Fair Round 1

After work I went to eat with Mr. & Mrs. Hipster at a Chinese buffet before hitting the road to Dallas.  We finally got to Dallas somewhere between 9 & 10 so we pretty much just passed out after talking to Mrs. Hipster's aunt & uncle for awhile so that we could get up early the next morning.

Saturday morning we all woke up & got ready to head to a job fair for a job fair near Dallas.  I was so nervous.  A) I've never had an in person interview for a teaching position B) I really want out of my current district & into the DFW area & C) The district that we interviewed at is one of the top 50 in the state... There were 2 rounds of interviews.  If they liked you in the prelimanary round you got to go through to round 2.  If they liked you in round 2 they kept your stuff for the candidate pool & then you get to play the waiting game for positions to actually open & principals to call you.  I somehow magically made it through round one...and even more surprisingly made it through round two.  Actually my 2nd interview went a whole lot smoother.  So, they kept my stuff, made sure that I had already applied & had attched my transcripts & license, & then told me that if a social studies position opened to be looking for a call from a principal.

After all of that I was exhausted so when we finally got back to Houston I napped & then just got caught up on TV shows.

I had every intention of sitting around in my bed watching the Four Weddings marathon on TLC.  I used to be obsessed with those shows and hadn't watched them in forever. I was probably close to a couple of hours into the marathon when my friend text me to see if I wanted to go see the Zac Brown Band for the final day of Rodeo Houston because her fiance was sick but she still really wanted to go.  Umm heck yes I did! !  So I got myself together and off I went.  I had never seen them live before and they did not disappoint. It was a lot of fun. I may have been slightly annoyed at little the lady trying to hit on and be impressive to the far too young guys behind her or the fact that our shuttle driver didn't know where he was going and ended up backing into a tree a couple of times to turn around. In my defense it was past my bedtime and I had a massive headache that was making me feel nauseous.  All in all though it was a great night! 

They honored Marcus Luttrell (author of Lone Survivor) before the rodeo & ZBB also had him on stage during Chicken Fried.


  1. Congrats on the interviews! That is so exciting!!

  2. Sounds like a good weekend! Awesome about the teaching thing - I wanted to be a teacher for half a second and I went to one of those job fairs and it was SO overwhelming!

  3. Good luck with the rest of the interviewing process!! Hope you can get into the district your prefer ;-)

  4. Way to go on the interviews! Sounds like you're a shoe-in!

  5. good luck with the rest of the interview process! it can be scary but i'm sure you'll do amazing :)

    Vodka and Soda

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I deleted my comment, because it appeared twice. And now it doesn't appear at all! I has said congrats on the interviews and I love the use of LC to show your excitement. Yah!
