Monday, March 17, 2014

Back To The Grind

-After lying in bed until around noon I finally got my shit together, got some gas, some lunch, & then headed over to a friend's house.  After hanging out for maybe an hour & a half he basically wanted me to help him clean his entire house...home girl was not in the mood so I said peace out.  I knew the second I got in my car that was probably a poor decision cause I didn't really want to be alone but I definitely didn't wanna keep folding clothes, put away Christmas decorations, & God knows what else.   So I got home & binge watched some more Dawson's Creek & bawled my eyes out pretty much the entire time before passing out somewhere between 9 & 10.

-I managed to stay in bed until 2...seriously it's probably a good thing I'm back at work now.  I was awake but had no plans so I just laid in bed playing on my phone, computer, & talking to people.  I finally got myself out of bed & headed off to finally go grocery shopping so I could make some food for the week.  Since it was so late in the day by the time I actually went to the store I couldn't make my slow cooker soup but I did make some hotdish (casserole for everyone not from Minnesota.)  Then I just hung around my apartment some more before heading out with some friends to enjoy one last night before Spring Break ends.  St. Patty's longer is an appealing day to be in a bar...there's too many people!

I got out of bed at 11 which is quite the accomplishment for this weekend.  Don't get too excited for me just yet though.  I got some soup ready for the crockpot so I would have options for the week before sitting at my table for an hour on the computer.  It was at that point when I decided that I was going back to my bed with my laptop.  I had absolutely nothing going on for the day so why not sit in my bed on my laptop on social media & watching TV and movies.  I watched The Thing Called Love for the first time.  Pretty darn good if ya ask me.  I also got a stange text from someone not in my phone (see post tomorrow for more details).  I watched The Walking Dead without Mr. Fireman for the first time this season.  Up until these final 3 episodes we've either watched it together on Sundays or waited until we were both free to watch it...we even watched the last episode together right after our heart to heart on Tuesday...


  1. Thanks for clarifying what Hotdish was! And I love that Schmidt gif - that is an often referenced thing in my house. I love sleep and don't blame you for sleeping in. Also, I am hating The Walking Dead this half-season. I just want it to be over and out of its misery!

  2. ugh bars! i can't even. the last time i went, i walked out after 10mins. YOUTHS!
