Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Who I Am...A-Z

I stole this idea from a blog I follow, Making the Mundane Magical.  She was bored watching a football game with her husband, I am bored attempting to complete a semester long online class in one day.  Go me!

A is for Age: 22
B is for Beer of choice: Bud Light
C is for Career: I am currently going for secondary social studies education.  Maybe photography someday?
D is for favorite Drink: Water

E is for Essential item you use everyday: Cell phone
F is for Favorite song at the moment: Keep the Girl - Jason Aldean
G is for favorite Game: The Sims

H is for Hometown: Mora
I is for Instruments you play: I used to play alto saxaphone.  I also tried oboe for a year or two.  I'm not attempting to learn the guitar.

J is for favorite Juice: Cranberry mixed with pretty much anything.
K is for Kids: 0 so far but I want 3-4

L is for Last kiss: About a week ago
M is for Marriage: Someday
N is for Nick-Names: I've had a ton.  Mostly just Bri now.

O is for Overnight hospital stays: Not since I was born.
P is for Phobias: Oh gosh I'm a baby so I'll list a few.  Spiders, snakes, heights, dying.
Q is for Quote: "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it's about learning to dance in the rain"

R is for Ring tone: "Cowboy in Me" Tim McGraw
S is for sports: Baseball is my favorite & then hockey.  I used to play softball & volleyball.

T is for Time you wake up: It really depends on when/if I have class/work or nothing to do at all.
U is for color of Underwear: I really don't remember.  I grabbed a pair & am not going to check for the survey.

V is for Vegetable you love: Broccoli
W is for Worst habit: I bite my nails

X is for X-rays you’ve had: Teeth, knee, chest.
Y is for Yummy food you make: Chicken parmesan.  Mmm

Z is for zodiac sign: I am a cusp or something like that.  It depends on what source you look at.  I'm a Libra/Scorpio.

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