Wednesday, February 24, 2021

What's Up Wednesday *2/24*

Linking up with Sheaffer & Shay.

What I'm Eating... Lots of pre-made salads & sandwiches.  My power was out at my apartment for 52 hours between Monday & Wednesday last week.  That meant when I got back on Thursday I had to throw out all of the food that I had had in my fridge & my freezer.  Even then I still didn't have any water back meaning I couldn't wash any dishes.  I already had some piling up from having to throw food out & so rather than make more, I decided to just take simple route this week.

What I'm Reminiscing About... being able to take a shower.  I finally got my water back on Monday night, & got hot water back yesterday, but we are under a water boil for a minimum of 48 hours upon the return of water.  That means that tomorrow is the absolute soonest I'm going to trust getting in the shower (after I call my MUD to see if our district is still under the water boil or not.)  On the bright side at least I can now boil up some water & bathe.  I just miss standing in the shower though...

What I'm Loving... The love & support from my friends, family, coworkers, & social media/blog friends over the past month.

What I've Been Up To... taking life day by day.  I had so many "big" plans about how I was going to change my life once I moved out on my own a month ago & thought I would jump in head first.  That did not happen because life.  However, I've been coming to terms with my "new normal" & am ready to really start working on myself & setting up a healthy/productive routine.

What I'm Dreading... nothing?  I'm actually really excited about the next few months & the future in general.

What I'm Working On... classes for my Minnesota real estate license.

What I'm Excited About... the FOUR different "vacations" I have planned already with different friends & my parents before the school year is over.

What I'm Watching/Reading... I'm catching up on Heartland.  I didn't realize I was so far behind.  I thought I only had one season to catch up on but turns out I had three!  I'm on season 12 now though & there are "only" 13 on Netflix right now.

What I'm Listening To... As per usual I listen to my Spotify "Liked Songs" on shuffle most of the time.  However, I've also been listening to Morgan Wallen's double album a lot as well as the song Treasure by Mary Heather Hickman because it's fun, catchy, & so accurate.

What I'm Wearing... I'm really working my way through my closest.  Luckily after the week we had last week in Texas we were allowed to wear jeans everyday this week.  I haven't done laundry since February 1st.  I am long overdue.  I should have done it on one of my days off the 11-14 but put it off thinking I still had the 15th off to do it before going back to work on the 16th.  But then Snovid happened & I was without power... and then without running water... so here we are...

What I'm Doing This Weekend... cleaning.  Cleaning EVERYTHING.  Now that I finally have water back I'm going to be doing dishes, laundry, bathing/showering like it's going out of style, etc.  If it's nice out I might try to take Nash to the dog park a time to too as well.

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month... Spring Break!  Our spring break is officially the 15-19 (not including weekends) but the 12 is an asynchronous/teacher planning day so I'm taking it off since the kids won't be there, I have/had 13.5 days of PTO for this school year, & don't plan on staying in Texas to use them next year.

What Else Is New... in addition to working on my Minnesota real estate license, and myself, I'm also looking for teaching jobs in Minnesota for next school year.  However I keep going back & forth on whether or not I want to teach full time & attempt real estate or if I want to just sub or be a part-time teacher & do real estate.  I guess we'll see as more jobs become available!


  1. Glad you got your water back!! That must’ve been so tough. I hope your cleaning goes well!!

  2. It's so great to be excited about the future!! I hope you have a great rest of the week!

  3. There truly is nothing like taking a shower. My hair gets greasy after two days so I can't even imagine how gross I'd feel. Hope you're able to get all that cleaning done!

  4. Oh, I'm so sorry you haven't been able to shower. That's rough. And I hadn't heard the term "Snovid" before but that's absolutely what happened to Texas.

  5. What a time you've had since moving out on your own! Maybe you need to get back to "normal" first, before you can experience your "new normal," haha.
