Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What's Up Wednesday

Linking up with Sheaffer & Shay.

What I'm Eating... a lot of chicken.  On Monday I made Cabbage Wrapped Chicken Enchiladas

What I'm Reminiscing About... being able to just be out

What I'm Loving... That we've been having really nice weather

What I've Been Up To... Trying to get some blog posts written & scheduled for the next couple of weeks

What I'm Doing This Weekend... Danny's birthday is on Friday, but ya know Covid so nothing.

What I'm Excited About... That the school year ends in a few weeks.  Online teaching is not for me

What I'm Watching... House of Cards at night with Danny, & Too Hot To Handle/The Ranch during the day.

What I'm Listening To... My "liked songs" on Spotify & The Good Soldiers on Audible.

What I'm Working On... The whole online teaching thing

What I'm Wearing... Mostly comfy clothes again with shorts or jeans occasionally thrown in


  1. I love that you’ve been having nice weather, it helps! Hang in there girlfriend!

  2. Mmmm still loving that avocado hummus recipe you shared from your previous post! Keep on keeping on, right?

  3. I can only imagine how hard online teaching is but the nice weather is always a plus!

  4. Nice weather makes this whole quarantine thing so much easier.

  5. The Ranch <3 <3 <3
    And my Spotify On Repeat playlist has been soothing my soul in all the ways.
    Also, I refuse to put on anything with a limited waistband unless I'm going in public, but I have been considering putting on a dress recently and that scares me. That's the ULTIMATE no waist restriction, lol.
