Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Dreams & Gratitude

Last month I decided to follow some Rachel Hollis advice.  I followed her 10-10-1 plan.   What does the best version of you look like in 10 years?  What are 10 dreams that need to come true in order for that to be a reality?  What is 1 goal that you can work on to make your dreams come true?  I also decided to write down 10 things I was grateful for each day.

While I'm not going to type out my in 10 years, I will share with you the 10 dreams that I wrote down each day as well as what goal I worked on this month & 10 of the things I was grateful for.

10 Things I'm Grateful For
1) Getting my car fixed fast & cheap
2) Getting gas station tacos & DQ w/Ryan
3) Getting a picture of Nash in Bluebonnets
4) Getting to drive myself to the softball game
5) Eric Church concert
6) Catching up on grading
7) Going to Houston for a weekend
8) Getting almost 9 hours of sleep
9) Getting to see girls I coached as freshmen, play in a playoff game as seniors
10) Getting a new manicure

10 Dreams
1)I have no student loan/credit card debt
2)I don't have to take daily prescription pills
3)I live in XXX (Houston area)
4)I am married
5)I have 3 children
6)I exercise 5 times/week
7)I have $10,000 in savings
8)I enjoy my career
9)I get massages monthly
10)I go on vacation 2 times/year

1 Goal
30 active minutes every day for 30 days
(This is still my goal.  I'm trying to get 30 minutes for 30 days straight.  So every time I have a day where I don't get 30 min in I go back to 0)


  1. I love your goals, hopes and can conquer all!

  2. Great goals!!! I think you can do it all!! You are awesome!!

  3. 9 hours of sleep, wow! definitely something to be thankful for. i love your goal of 30 minutes for 30 days. such a good idea to make a habit!

  4. Love this post. Cheers to rest, bluebonnets, and seeing your girls getting ready to graduate!!

  5. This is such a good idea!!! Did you get it from a book or podcast or what? (Alternatively, I guess I could google it, but here we are haha) I definitely need to try this because I have a really hard time seeing a future for myself--not in a depressive/suicidal way, it's because anxiety makes it so hard for me to think beyond just surviving today. An exercise like this seems like it would be good practice to get my brain thinking beyond anxiety!
