Monday, March 11, 2019

Monday Morning Coffee Vol. 4

Happy Monday everyone!  I'm on spring break so it's one of the happiest Mondays for me!  The next Monday I'm truly looking forward to is the first one of summer vacation!  I hope that everyone had a fantastic weekend & that your Monday is great as well!

This morning I'm drinking my French Vanilla coffee with Maple Latte creamer out of my "For The Wild At Heart" mug I got from Miranda Lambert's store The Pink Pistol while I listen to my Discover Weekly playlist & link up with Biana!

**This is my last week with putting creamer in my coffee.  I can drink my coffee black, & actually prefer it sometimes.  I really only put creamer in my coffee because I love trying out the different flavors.  However, starting next Monday I'm going to attempt to do Whole30 again.**

**On Friday the softball girls won their first district game of the season!  14-4.  That's actually the first district game they've won since 2014...**

**I was supposed to go to Houston for Helen's baby shower yesterday & then last minute I couldn't make it & I was so sad.  I miss Houston, I was looking forward to seeing Houston people, & Helen is one of my favorite people.  However, the night before my blood pressure randomly decided to go up again & I still planned on going in the morning but then I took it that morning just to double check it & it was still up, although down from the night before, & it just didn't seem wise to spend 7-8 hours in the car driving by myself with my blood pressure up & down.**

**Saturday Nash & I took full advantage of the nice weather, which has since disappeared.  On Saturday we went to the dog park, got ice cream, & went for a walk on top of my run to Target & the grocery store.**

**I have no idea why it spiked.  So I'm back to taking my meds again for a week & taking my BP to see if it regulates again.  It had been so normal for so long that the doctor even told me I could stop taking them like a month & a half ago**

**On Friday we had a staff vs seniors dodgeball game.  We won.**

**Last week I had some vague news, well today I can share with you what it was.  I officially quit being a beachbody coach.  I'm still working out but between teaching & coaching softball I had very little time to try to actually work another business & still have time for things that I enjoyed doing.**


  1. Bummer about missing the shower and the blood pressure issues. Real bummer and I completely understand

  2. I am so happy for you!!! Enjoy your Spring break!!!! Ahhhhhh....Annster's Domain

  3. <3 glad you are making time to do the things you enjoy. I'm sorry about your blood pressure issues though - that really sucks. I hope you can get it figured out soon.

  4. Congratulations on your team doing so well!! Hope they keep it up!xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. So jealous of your spring break - enjoy and hopefully the weather gets better around here!

  6. I only drink coffee as a vessel for peppermint mocha creamer.
