Friday, March 8, 2019

If I Wasn't A Teacher

This is my 7th year of teaching.  I had wanted to be a teacher since approximately the 1st grade.  Sure there were other things I considered between 1st grade & 12th grade (lawyer, forensic photographer, interior designer, event planner) but ultimately I applied to only one college the summer between my junior & senior year & got in.  

I applied to the top teaching college in the state & went in with a declared education major.  Granted when I started college I went in as an elementary major & graduated with a major in secondary social studies education.  I had even considered changing my major in college with only about a year left, obviously I did not.  I had thought about changing it to travel & tourism but felt that I had come so far that I owed it to myself to see it through since I had come so far.

There have been multiple times since starting my career even that I have considered getting out of education.  I even once called an Air Force recruiter as well as did 3 semesters of grad school in a non-education field.  So what would I do if I wasn't a teacher?

1. Real Estate
Since about my first year of teaching I have considered getting my real estate license and either doing it on the side and/or eventually doing it full time.  I actually plan on getting my license for real over the summer.

2. Athletic Organization
My 3 semesters of grad school were for communications.  I had wanted to do social media/PR/community outreach for an athletic organization.

3. Travel
I don't know exactly what this one would be but something involving travel.  Getting paid to blog/travel, working for a travel agency, I pitched to my cousin that we should start a company that plans surprise trips for people (they would pick how they wanted to travel/how long/and a general region -- we'd do the rest.)

4. Economically Disadvantaged
The longer I'm gone the more I realize how much I loved working with my kids in Houston.  I don't particularly love working in the classroom anymore though.  I would love to work with children who come from economically disadvantaged families & help them.  Whether that be getting into college, finding a career path, getting them into a better life.

5. Planning/Organizing
This one is also vague ha.  I love organizing & planning things.  So this could fall under pretty much any & all of the categories in different ways.

If you could do anything, what would you do?  Are you currently working in your dream job?

Linking up with Andrea @ Momfessionals


  1. Loved your post. It's funny how we choose what we decide to do in life. You must enjoy teaching otherwise you wouldn't have done it for so long. Have a great day and think of all those people you have touched..

  2. Love this! I do love being a lawyer but if I had to change I would be a journalist, writer or travel blogger. Something with writing for sure.

  3. Blergh, absolutely not my dream job unfortunately. My sister's fiance did Teach for America, went into marketing after, and just recently went back into teaching. I'll have to ask him if he thinks teaching is his dream job

  4. I'm retired now, which is not what I wanted to be at this stage of my life. I think I would have liked to get my MBA in Marketing or Finance and gotten out of computers...

  5. Awesome alternative careers and if one day you do get incredibly tired of teaching you can always shoot for one of these!

  6. You should do something in college access. :)
