Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Final 101 in 1001 Recap

This past Saturday my third 101 in 1001 challenge came to an end.  I did not do well.  I apparently have a habit of that.  On my first challenge I completed a whopping 44 goals.  On the second challenge I only completed 32.  This third one wasn't much better.  I actually have high hopes for my fourth challenge because I was a lot more organized & realistic with it than I've been in the past.  If you want some real inspiration on doing a 101 in 1001 list, check out Steph because she's a rockstar at completing her lists.

So how did I do the third time around?  I completed 38.  Not my best, not my worst.

Completed - 38
1. Begin list of 101 Things to do in 1001 Days
4. Visit Kristin
7. Fall in love
10. Complete Project 365 2017
16. Donate $1 to charity for every goal not completed
17. Complete a 30 day fitness challenge
18. Go to a psychic/tarot card/palm reader
19. Save my change for 1001 days
23. Try 101 new bars/restaurants
25. Pay off my car
30. Track my spending for a month
34. Go on a spontaneous road trip
41. Make homemade bread
44. Donate blood 6 times
46. Dave $500 in an emergency fund
48. Renew my passport
52. Go to an outdoor movie
55. Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days is over
57. Attend Austin City Limits
60. Go to a food festival
62. Make a pie on Pi Day
69. Sing karaoke at a bar
70. Pay off credit cards
71. Go at least a year with no car payment
73. Watch two movies at a cinema in the same day
74. Don't watch TV for a week
75. Write a song
81. Stay up & watch the sunrise on NYD
82. Make a list of what I'm looking for in a relationship
84. Build a snowman
86. Send out Christmas cards every year
87. Dance with someone in the rain
88. Complete a 30 Miles in 30 Days Challenge
90. Visit Nashville
92. Go a month without buying anything that isn't a necessity
98. Go back to school
99. Watch all of my Netflix Watchlist
101. Write a new list for the next 1001 days
Failed - 63
2. Complete Project 365 2015
3. Drink a half gallon of water every day
5. Listen to a new artist every month
6. Workout once a week
8. Have my student loans at 60k or less
9. Complete Project 365 2016
11. Complete 50 Book Challenge 2015
12. Complete 50 Book Challenge 2016
13. Complete 50 Book Challenge 2017
14. Volunteer once a month
15. Have someone to kiss every year on NYE
20. Go zombie paintballing
21. Go to Harry Potter World
22. Do the full 52 week money challenge
24. Donate to Locks of Love
26. Run 3 new races
27. Visit Niagara Falls
28. Get my motorcycle license
29. Go kayaking of white water rafting
31. Host a cocktail party
32. Attend the Daytona 500
33. Visit 3 museums
35. Attend the MLB All Star Game
36. Choose an actor/actress and watch every film they've been in
37. Start my own recipe book
38. Send one hand written letter per month
39. Attend trivia night at a bar/restaurant
40. Visit at least one new country
42. Watch all the movies that won Best Picture the last 10 years
43. Go to Disney World
45. Visit Maker's Mark Distillery
47. Go to Frontier Days in Wyoming
49. Travel to the West Coast
50. Travel across Europe
51. Host a themed dinner party
53. Go ziplining
54. Keep a "My Day in Six Words" journal for 6 months
56. Buy a house
58. Go to Talladega
59. Visit Stone Mountain in Georgia
61. Photograph a landscape from the same location each season
63. Bake something new every month for a year
64. Visit 3 new MLB parks
65. Go to 6 pro baseball games
66. Get a Brazilian wax
67. Get lasik
68. Run a half marathon
72. Make a year in pictures album
76. Attend a Revolutionary War reenactment
77. Visit an old teacher
78. Make a playlist of 26 songs starting A-Z
79. Learn how to do a backflip
80. Host a NYE dinner party at home
83. Visit Grand Canyon
85. Hike the Appalachian Trail
89. Document music taste over a year
91. Take a selfie on the first of every month
93. Travel to 10 new cities
94. Canoe down a river
95. Complete a 1000 piece puzzle
96. Visit Grand Portage
97. Hike the Ice Age National Scenic Trail
100. Have a date each month


  1. You are a busy girl with long days so I think 38 is great!!! xo

    1. Thank you! Hopefully the way I broke it down for myself this time around it will appear more manageable even with my busy schedule!

  2. I think 38 is still really great because it's 38 things you otherwise wouldn't have accomplished! Most people make one list and forget about it a month later. I have confidence in list #4, you'll be awesome :)

  3. You might want to visit Stone Mountain before they sandblast the Confederate generals off of it.

    1. LOL well that list is done now & that was honestly a random I couldn't think of anything addition.

  4. I don't know how you got so much done (along with your goals) given your commute, so I'm impressed! What charity did you end up donating to??
