Friday, February 16, 2018

Friday Five #6

1. I only had to be at work 3 days this week
I was supposed to work 4 days this week but due to the rain this weekend, games got shuffled around & I wound up missing yesterday and today for a tournament.  As long as the weather cooperates, I'll only be really working 2 days next week.  Fingers crossed!

2. The varsity softball girls won their first game of the season
I have high hopes for these girls!  We have had 1 regular season game & now 2 tournament games (with 2 more tournament games today)  We should have, & could have won both tournament games & our first regular season game, but I'll take the one win we did get!  Fingers crossed we can win both today!  The two games we have lost we had the lead & then wound up giving them away on errors that they've been learning from.

3. Holy crap it's Friday
This week has been so utterly chaotic that I feel like I haven't stopped moving.  On the bright side the week flew by, & I don't have any plans this weekend.  This week has been such a mess that I didn't even fully realize it was Friday today until I woke up at 6:30 this morning.

4. I got my Valentine's Day swap gift in the mail
Andrea & the other ladies of The Blended Blog held a gift swap this month.  I got my gift from Kasey.  I can't wait to share it with y'all on the 26th!

5. It was finally nice out
Well at least it was for 2 days anyway.  It was 80 on Wednesday & yesterday after having been in the 40s.  Now it's supposed to rain for about a week straight, but hey we had 2 good days!  Spring is on it's way!

I hope y'all had a fantastic week & have an even better weekend!  Linking up with Amanda.


  1. The weather was so nice for the last two days. I actually felt like I could do stuff around the house instead of crawling under my blanket and moving a space heater around with me. LOL YAY for the softball W! Must be that good coaching.

  2. I read that sentence the first time as you only had to go to work three times this MONTH, not week. I was super jealous and had to go back and re-read to figure out how you were able to swing that, and then I saw week, lol. Still nice though! The weather here is supposed to be warming up this week too and I am thrilled about it. Come on, spring!

  3. Ugh I am over the rain already here
