Friday, February 2, 2018

Five For Friday #4

1. February
Oh my goodness it's finally February!  I seriously thought that January was NE-VER going to end!  It's got me thinking that 2018 might be the year that never ends.  (Did anyone else ever watch Lamb Chop's Playhouse??  I loved it, I even had a stuffed Lamb Chop.  Well that song is now in my head)

2. Weight loss
I wasn't actually near as active nor did I eat as healthy as I originally had planned to for January.  However, I still lost weight.  I contribute it to Whole30 approved lunches & softball starting.  I decided that this year I'm only going to weight myself on the 1st of every month (with the exception of when I actually do Whole30 because that will be a mid month thing.)  From January 1 to February 1 I lost 3.4 pounds.  I know it's not a lot but considering I didn't really try, I know that if I put more effort into it I will be able to reach my goal of 10 lbs by my birthday (Oct 23).

3. Taxes
I LOVE doing my taxes.  I don't care if that makes me nerdy.  I love anything math that is related to stats &/or accounting.  The rest of math can pretty much suck it.  Once I get my refund, which should be sometime this month, two of my credit cards will be paid off which also helps with the excitement of tax season.

4. Coaching
Tonight I am making my official "head coaching" debut.  I'm really only the interim head coach, & the real head coach should be back later this month, but as our first scrimmage is today I will be the one in charge.  I am looking forward to having someone else to share the responsibility with, and to just be able to show up to practice/games for the most part with no additional worries, but I'm also kind of going to miss being the one to call all the shots as far as practice goes... #ControlFreak

5. Teaching
Every year as a teacher I have to have one 45 minute evaluation.  Depending on the district & which assessment program they use there are also x number of 5-15 minute evaluations.  Some districts I've had people in my room ALL the time (*cough* my least favorite district ever) & some are NEVER in your room except for when you need them or they have their required observation (the way it should be... I don't need to be micromanaged).  This district is definitely the way it should be.  

Anyway, I had my 45 on Tuesday during one of my senior economics classes.  I actually knew it was coming.  My AP asked me what period(s)/day(s) I would want her to stop in.  I picked that class only & either Tue, Thur, or today.  The kids were playing a supply & demand simulation game so they were all engaged & we discussed the concepts at the end, which they all seemed to understand.  So I'm sure it went swell, now I just have to wait.  Plus, my AP loves me...

Linking up with Amanda for some Friday Favorites.


  1. Yay to a good AP and well, you're a great teach, so why wouldn't it go well!! So proud of you and the weight loss, you go girl!

  2. I cannot wait to be done with taxes! I got everything all set and ready to submit and apparently, there's one form I still need that the IRS hasn't finalized yet and it's not coming til about 2/16. Nonsense! I'm so annoyed.

  3. Congrats on the inadvertent weight loss and the great observation!! I remember spot ops being a really big deal here under the Miles regime... but I don't know how they are doing them now. Probably not at all. LOL.

  4. UGH I'm already dreading doing my taxes! Want to do them for me? hahaha
