Monday, February 22, 2021

Monday Morning Coffee *2/22*


Oh hey!  Long time not talk...  The last time I posted was in June... 8 months ago!  In all honesty I thought it had been longer.  A lot has happened in the last 8 months.  Rather than give y'all a full novel recapping the last 8 months, I'll just try to hit the high, and low, points.

When I last posted 8 months ago I had just had my gallbladder removed.

7 months ago I took a road trip to Minnesota for a week & Danny flew up to meet me a week later for one of my friend's wedding.

6 months ago Danny & I celebrated our 1 year anniversary.

5 months ago Danny & I flew to Minnesota to attend my grandpa's funeral.

4 months ago I turned 32.

3 months ago I passed my Texas real estate exam.

2 months Danny & I took a road trip to Minnesota for Christmas.

1 month ago I left Danny & moved into my own apartment after being in a toxic arguing cycle for far too long.

3 weeks ago I started taking courses to get my Minnesota real estate license.

2 weeks ago I decided to start working on finding myself again.

1 week ago I lost power at my place (along with nearly 4 million other people in Texas) & had to crash at a coworker's for 3 nights until the power came back on at my place.  I still don't have running water at my place.  It's off until they can get all of the pipes that burst fixed.  According the the last email we got on Saturday they are hoping to have it back on by tonight.  Of course even when it does come back on we have to boil it for 24-48 hours afterwards.  However, I'm lucky that I had a warm place to stay while my power was out.  I'm lucky that there was no damage to my apartment.  I'm lucky that one of my friends found a case of water for me at Sam's Club to get me through.

So there you have it.  The CliffsNotes version of the last 8 months of my life.  I make no promises to be back regularly, but I'm certainly going to try.


  1. I'm glad you got through the winter storm alright! We were out of power for a few days but luckily didn't have any pipes burst. Ugh what a disaster

  2. Im' so sorry that things with Danny didn't work out but I love that you are taking this time to find yourself! Sending you lots of love!

  3. Woo hoo! Peer pressure! hahaha jk I really like how you did this post. Very glad to hear that your living situation is improving--I'd been worried about you, my lone Lone Star friend, amidst all this craziness!

  4. I'm so glad you've written an update. I knew something was going on and changing with you!

  5. What a crazy 8 months! So sorry to hear about your relationship, but good for you for realizing what wasn't working and doing something about it. I'm glad you're safe and happy and looking forward to hearing more about your self-re-discovery journey!
