Monday, May 4, 2020

Monday Morning Coffee *5/4*

Friday was Danny's birthday.  Because Corona we couldn't really do much but he wound up working an extra 2 hours at work anyway because they were so busy.  Yay for overtime pay on your birthday!  During the day I went to the park to get my steps in & then went home to bake Danny a cheesecake.  I also finished up my 3rd real estate course & got the exam scheduled (for 9:30 this morning).  That night we had some grilled chicken & sat around a bonfire.

Saturday I got a little stir crazy so we went for a drive.  Then we just spent the day hanging out, drinking, & grilling.  It was so nice out!  Being out in the sun all day had us tired early though.  Danny fell asleep somewhere around 7 & I wasn't too far behind somewhere between 8 & 9.

I have no pictures from Sunday but it wasn't terribly picture worthy.  One of Danny's birthday presents that I got him was the 2nd phase of the Marvel collection.  I got him the first phase either for Valentine's Day or our 6 month anniversary.  I don't really remember but they're both in February so around then.  We finished that last weekend so on Sunday we started the 2nd phase.  We got through Iron Man 3 & Thor: The Dark World.  After that we took a break & Danny prepped some omelettes for breakfast for the week.  His dad put some chicken, ribs, & sausage on the smoker so we had that for supper.  We started Captain America: Winter Soldier but this time it was my turn to fall asleep first.  I fell asleep about halfway through the movie sometime before 9.  


  1. Mmmm omelets and cheesecake, sausage and much goodness!! Glad it was a good weekend!

  2. Sounds like you guys had a nice leisurely birthday weekend even in quarantine!
