Friday, May 3, 2019

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I'm off today & have a 4 day weekend so I'm super excited!  Two of my best friends from college are flying in this afternoon & are staying with me until Monday afternoon/evening.  While I did get quite a bit of cleaning done last night, I still have quite a few things to get done today before they get here because procrastination.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!  Linking up with Andrea.

Events of the Week
**I got a call from the school I first worked at when I moved up to Dallas-Fort Worth saying that at least one of this year's graduating seniors (who I had as freshmen) selected me to robe them for their robing ceremony.  #AllTheFeels**

**One of my current seniors invited me to her signing day ceremony -- she's getting a basketball scholarship**

**I emailed the school I recently interviewed with to see about the timeline/status of the position because it's been a couple of weeks & I WANT TO KNOOOW**

**We had a mandatory coaches/sponsors meeting on Monday so my coaching friends & I went to get wings & margaritas before hand**

**There were 2 separate tornado watches/warnings on 2 separate days for my area this week.  Luckily neither actually hit where I am**

Moments of Gratitude
**Having awesome teacher/coaching friends**

**Seniors who are actually excited to do the Shark Tank project I assigned them**

**None of the tornado warnings/watches hit where I am**

**Paying rent at my apartment for the last time**

**Only having a 4 day work week**

From the Phone



  1. Enjoy your weekend with your friends!!! I LOVE that one of your first students chose you. What an amazing impact! Congrats!!!! <3

  2. That's so cute that one of your former student chose you to robe them!! If I were a teacher, I would be soooo excited/touched!!

  3. I loved some of the phone clips you shared. I laughed out loud at the "dissing Terry" one.

    The shark tank project sounds really cool! You should share more about that!

    7% Solution

  4. I hope you're having a great teacher appreciation week! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston
