Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Ten Tuesday Truths

Today is National Honesty Day.  So I thought I'd share some of my truths.  Ten because it's Tuesday & I'm all about that alliteration!

1. I originally left Houston because of 2 boys.  To be far away from one & to be closer to another...

2. In my mind I always think I want to move back to Minnesota because I miss my family, friends, & fall.  But in reality anytime it starts to come close to an actual possibility I have a minor panic attack about leaving Texas.

3. I know plenty of people have more than one dog/pet & will tell me differently, but sometimes I think about getting Nash a sibling & then think I couldn't love another dog as much as I love Nash while I still have Nash.  #MamasFavorite

4. I love coaching, but I think I'm ready to hang it up because I miss my me time.

5. I love the idea of working from home but I truly don't know if I'd have the discipline for it.

6. I love doing my own tarot cards & have Jess to thank for getting me interested enough to get my own deck

7. I haven't spent a full summer in Minnesota at my parents' house in 3 years & I'm both excited and nervous to do so this summer.

8. Sour fruity candy is my favorite.

9. I don't like going to movies, I hardly have a big enough attention span to watch them at home let alone pay to go to a theater & feel forced to be still and silent.

10. Even though I haven't heard back yet, I've pretty much got it in my head that come August I'll be living back in Houston


  1. Same to 9. In fact, I just have little desire to watch movies in general and we were discussing this last night. I have ZERO desire to keep up with a series (i.e. Avengers/any super hero crap) so I just don't. I feel this way about some TV series I've started and never finished. I'm too old to force myself to do shit I don't like.. and that's where this falls.

  2. LOL! Nine is really funny and so very true for me also!! HA HA!

  3. I completely relate to number 9. I'm low-key glad that you love Texas though. <3 I'm also high-key jealous that you'll spend the summer somewhere (hopefully) cooler than DFW.

  4. OMG YAY TAROT CARDS!!! I was literally reading that line and then was like "Oh wait, IT ME!!" hahaha I'm so excited that you've joined the tarot crew! I really need to learn more about each card's meaning and the readings you can do, instead of using my cards just as an oracle deck, but each card I pull for the month is usually crazily spot-on! Which deck did you get?!
