Friday, February 1, 2019

The 5 Love Languages

I took the 5 Love Languages test a couple of years ago.  As the name suggests there are 5 different categories: Acts of Service, Physical Touch, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, & Words of Affirmation.  The highest you can score in any given category is 12.

When I took the test a couple of years ago, my top love language was Quality Time.  This hasn't changed.  I didn't expect it to either as spending time with people is what's most important to me.  The rest however, did change.  Not only the order, but the importance as well.

2017 me:
11 Quality Time
10 Words of Affirmation
5 Physical Touch
4 Acts of Service
0 Receiving Gifts

2019 me:
12 Quality Time
7 Acts of Service
5 Words of Affirmation
4 Physical Touch
2 Receiving Gifts

Basically, I'm less concerned now with you TELLING me how you feel.  I need you to SHOW me how you feel.  Whether that be spending time with me (preferred) or doing little things to help me out.  Words don't mean much if there is nothing there to back it up.

What is your love language?


  1. This is such an accurate statement! I always judge people on what they can be or their potential and we should always judge people on their actions and behaviors! Hard to do but very necessary to not get burned! Hugs Annster's Domain
