Monday, October 15, 2018

When It Rains It Pours

Literally.  It's been raining for days & is going to continue to rain for days.  I love rain, but we've had enough!  I hope that everyone enjoyed their weekend!  Due to the rain mine included a lot of indoor activities.  Linking up with Biana!

I was beyond over work by Friday.  Even though I left later than I normally do, I still made time to stop at Einstein for a bagel because I just did not care.  Plus, I don't actually teach until almost 11 so it's not like my being there by 8:30 is crucial.  However, despite leaving nearly 30 minutes later than I normally do, I was still there by 8:30... I may have to start leaving later on a regular basis.  Work took forever to end but it was a pretty standard day.  On the way home from work I decided to start listening to "You Are A Badass..." again.  I knew that my delivery from Every Plate would be waiting for me when I got home, & I had originally planned on making one of the dishes, but I was so hungry & tired that I stopped at McDonalds.  Nasho & I shared some fries, watched some Heartland, & were asleep before 9:30.  #OldAF

Nash had me up by 4 am because lil fatty wanted his breakfast.  After feeding him I laid in bed for a couple of hours before finally falling asleep & getting another hour & a half.  I am in desperate need of being able to sleep later than 5 on weekends.

I had planned on going to Whole Foods & Trader Joe's to search for small pumpkins to decorate my apartment with.  The rain had other ideas.  Within 30 seconds of me turning off the TV it started down pouring.  So instead Nash & I cuddled on the couch all morning.  I did manage to make one of my Every Plate meals while waiting for the rain to stop.

When I finally decided to venture out to Whole Foods the road I need was closed due to flooding.  #TurnAroundDontDrown  Whole Foods didn't have what I was looking for & I wasn't motivated enough to drive another 15 minutes north to Trader Joe's.  I was almost home when I decided to detour to Target.  I found stuff for the Mug Love Exchange put on by Stephanie as well some fake pumpkins & pine cones.  As much as I wanted real ones, I was tired of searching & now I won't have to buy new ones every year.  While there I also decided to hit up Starbucks to try the Maple Pecan Latte.  Excellent.  Salted Caramel is still my favorite but Maple Pecan is up there now.

I had an appointment with my therapist at 5 & we talked a little bit more about my Myers-Briggs personality results & what it means about my communication style.  In the stuff she gave me it said that one of the things that hinders successful communication for my personality type is long communication with people from the NT (Intuition-Thinking) group... aka the Ex-Boyfriend's personality type.

Sunday was completely low-key.  I drank coffee, graded the whopping 14 letters out of 59 that should have been turned in by my seniors... in case you're wondering why I care less & less about my job, & watched some Netflix.  I did go over to Fort Worth so I could watch the Vikings game at Buffalo Brother's.  Vikings won!  I was in a food coma, & just tired from waking up early, so I was out of there the second the Vikings game was over.  I managed to stop long enough to get bananas, a salad, eggs, & pick up a prescription from the store.  Otherwise the rest of the afternoon was spent on the couch with Nash watching Netflix until bedtime.


  1. Yay Vikings. I need to try the Maple Pecan. Have a marvelous Monday beautiful girl!

  2. I hope the weather turns here as well - it's been way too cold for fall! Have a great week girl! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  3. Atlanta's like that, where sometimes leaving later gets you to work at the same time or even earlier. Traffic is weird like that.

  4. I'm SO over this rain. What happened to fall and how did we jump straight into winter?

  5. It's been raining here as well and I hate it. One of the reasons I hate is because whenever it rains traffic is worse. Also, wet leafs make walking hard. haha I'm always slipping on them.

  6. Being asleep by 9:30 sounds amazing hahah #OldAF
