Monday, September 3, 2018

How Do You Cozy - Still Weekending

Happy Labor Day everyone!  I'm still off of work until Wednesday, today for Labor Day & tomorrow for an appointment.  Since my friend is still in town until later this morning I'll recap my weekend tomorrow.  Until then I'm linking up with Andrea for The Blended Blog Asks: How Do You Cozy edition!

1. Slippers: Yes or No?
Nope.  I own a couple pairs actually but I never wear them.

2. What is your favorite blanket?
I love fleece blankets.  I have a gray one at my place that I'm obsessed with & my parents have a heavier brown one that I pretty much live under whenever I visit Minnesota.

3. Thin or Thick pillow?
I used to always think thick, and slept with 2, but then over the summer while I was at my parents' I realized that I was waking up with headaches because I had too many thick pillows & my neck was all weird at night.  So now, thinner & no headaches.

4. Favorite warm beverage?
Hot chocolate... with marshmallows!

5. Robe: Yes or No?

6. Favorite comfort snack food?
Chips & dip

7. Movies or TV series binge?
TV series... currently Heartland

8. Actual PJs or Leggings?
Neither?  Tshirt & usually some type of bottoms

9. Do you cozy up on the couch or a chair?
Couch for sure

10. Hoodie, T-shirt, or Sweater?
Give me all the hoodies!

A new month & a new season are upon us.  And even though fall doesn't technically start until the 22, I'm OCD & like my things to start on the 1st.  Later this week I'll recap how my summer goals went, not well, but today I'm sharing what my goals are for fall.

1. Have 4300 followers on Instagram
2. Blog 50 times
3. Write a letter to 20 & 40 year old me
4. Go to 10 new bars/restaurants
5. Do 5 Dallas Bucket List items
6. Make 10 Pinterest food recipes
7. Celebrate 30th birthday
8. Have a treat yoself day
9. Finish 10 101 in 1001 items
10. Have September lesson plans done by 9/7, October by 10/5, & November by 11/9 (I got this idea from Lauren @ All About That Mommy Life)

P.S. Sarah @ Meet the Shaneyfelts & her husband are selling cute t-shirts to help raise money for their adoption process.  Check them out!


  1. Oh man forgot about chips and dip and the marshmallows for the cocoa. Enjoy your days off girlie!

  2. I love your goal list! You rock it out, girl! Hoodies, yesssss! I need to order more.

    1. Thank you! I need/want more too, except I always wear the same 2 haha.

  3. Have you ever tried marshmallow fluff in place of marshmallows for the hot cocoa? I had my kids try it last fall and they all loved how gooey it was.

  4. Hot chocolate with marshmallows is the best!

  5. oooh chips & dip. I didn't think about that one. I can do a number on those. Really, I should have said cheese.
