Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Spring Goals Check In #2

I'm pretty sure this is going to be the first time ever that I complete all of my seasonal goals.  It's May 1st & I only have one left to complete.  I have one month to hit my blogging goal of 50 posts, aka I need to post 19 times in May... maybe now that softball is over I'll be able to step my game up a bit.

1. Go to 3 concerts
1. 1100 Springs 3/22
2. Mike Ryan 3/30
3. Koe Wetzel 4/19

2. Go to 8 new bars/restaurants
1. Melted 3/10
2. The Daily Special Cafe 3/15
3. Cricket's Grill & Drafthouse 3/15
4. Heim BBQ 3/16
5. Old West Cafe 3/18
6. BoomerJack's 3/24
7. Knockouts 3/24
8. Yogurt Story 3/30

3. Donate money to charity for every failed 101 in 1001 3.0 goal ($63) (completed in March)

4. Write 50 blog posts
March: 16
April: 15

5. Have a treat yoself day (completed in April)

6. Bake a pie on Pi Day (completed in March)

7. Get a new tattoo (completed in March)

8. Go on a date (completed in April)

9. Make 10 Pinterest recipes/DIY projects (completed in April
1. Blackberry Peach Pie 3/14
2. Low Carb Deconstructed Pizza Casserole 3/25
3. Oatmeal Smoothie 3/25
4. Bacon Parmesan Brussels Sprouts 3/25 (recipe courtesy of Tiffany)
5. Ranch Parmesan Chicken 4/1
6. Lasagna Stuffed Peppers 4/8
7. Oatmeal Banana Muffins 4/8
8. Cheddar Jalapeno Chicken Burgers with Guacamole 4/15
9. Sour Cream Noodle Bake 4/23
10. Chili Lime Baked Shrimp Cups 4/27

10. Complete 6 101 in 1001 4.0 goals (completed in April)
1. Write a letter to myself to open at the end of the 1001 days
2. Organize my closets & cabinets
3. Don't bite my nails for a month
4. Walk a 5k a day for a month
5. Drink a half gallon of water a day for a month
6. Complete 3 challenges on Thirty