For the first time since the middle of October I had an early Friday night. Only the Varsity girls played & so I was home & in bed by 9 pm. The girls lost, big time. When I had left Mr. Midwest's place that morning I got halfway to work when I realized that I had forgotten my lunch. On my off period I ran to Walmart & got a hodge podge of things so that I could eat & not get something like fast food. I wound up with apples, carrots, almonds, & proscuitto. The lunch of champions I tell ya. I'd like to think that I could say that someday soon my Friday recaps will be more exciting but that's not really true. The last Friday basketball game is February 5th but that's also the first Friday softball game. Someday, a few months from now, I'll get my Fridays back.
Saturday morning we had softball tryouts. Only 30 girls showed up so they all made the team. There is some good potential though. They are all looking pretty good considering 1/3 of them have never even played before & the rest only have a year or two of experience. It was so freaking cold out, below freezing cold out. I don't want anyone up north ever telling me again that it doesn't get cold in Texas because that's a damned lie. Once tryouts were over the other two coaches & I went out to lunch. When I got home I was able to do laundry, the dishes, shower, grocery shop, & food prep. Neither of the other two were home so while I got stuff done I also started prepping blog stuff. It was nice to just have a relaxing & productive day. Early that evening I headed to Mr. Midwest's. He met up with a few friends for a friend's brother's birthday & I watched some Netflix. I half ass watched the first 3 episodes of Making a Murderer but I was so tired I'm going to have to start the series over at some point. Because I was practically falling asleep I wanted to put something fun & mindless so I started watching Saved By The Bell from the very beginning.

Sunday morning I ran to tthe store & then picked up breakfast for Mr. Midwest since he was still sleeping when I left. We watched Blazing Saddles & some Parks & Recreation. Around 1 I went back to my place so we could each have some me time. I don't know if it's allergies or if I'm actually getting sick (which I can't afford to be) but I felt like crap. I took an advil & just relaxed in bed for awhile. The advil did nothing so later I also took allergy meds & a nap. The headache wasn't as bad after that but was still there. I also felt really warm & tired all day. I started watching Chelsea Does on Netflix. It's a perfect combo of comedy & documentary. I didn't actually watch either of the football games but I was half right with my predictions. I predicted a Patriots & a Panthers win. I predict the Panthers goN all the way so we'll see in a couple of weeks if I'm right about that one.

Sunday morning I ran to tthe store & then picked up breakfast for Mr. Midwest since he was still sleeping when I left. We watched Blazing Saddles & some Parks & Recreation. Around 1 I went back to my place so we could each have some me time. I don't know if it's allergies or if I'm actually getting sick (which I can't afford to be) but I felt like crap. I took an advil & just relaxed in bed for awhile. The advil did nothing so later I also took allergy meds & a nap. The headache wasn't as bad after that but was still there. I also felt really warm & tired all day. I started watching Chelsea Does on Netflix. It's a perfect combo of comedy & documentary. I didn't actually watch either of the football games but I was half right with my predictions. I predicted a Patriots & a Panthers win. I predict the Panthers goN all the way so we'll see in a couple of weeks if I'm right about that one.
Oh my gosh SBTB - haven't watched that in years...that would be fun to start for the beginning! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear you weren't feeling well. Being sick is never fun. Feel better soon. I totally need to add Chelsea Does to my tv list.
ReplyDeleteWe just started Making a Murderer. I'm intrigued but nowhere near as obsessed as I feel like the rest of the world was ahah!
I do hope this week you're feeling much better Sweetie! So I got to say being from Indiana we are huge Peyton Manning fans and I was pretty happy about the Broncos but even happier about the Panthers! To funny as my husband and I started watching making a murderer last night but I was so tired I was getting a little lost in the first two episodes so we may start over too, LOL! I hope your Monday is off to great start beautiful
ReplyDeleteYYEEEAAAHH PANTHERS! We're never good, so I'm really counting on them to pull through for me this year. Maybe then I could be a foosball fan? Yeahhhhh rightttt.. lol