Tomorrow is my birthday. At 10:42 am central time I will no longer be 26 but 27. Looking back at the list of 27 things I wanted to accomplish by then tells me just how differently I saw my life being right now. That's my way of saying I didn't really do shit on my list.

1. Move back to Minnesota
I remember exactly when I decided I was going to move back to Minnesota. I had flown home for my friend's wedding in September 2014. I also flew home for my cousin's wedding that same month & had to miss 2 weddings. I decided I just couldn't take it anymore, I hated where I was & I missed everyone back home. Right then & there I decided that no matter what I wasn't going to return to my school district. I planned on moving to Minnesota at any cost.
As I'm sure you're aware that didn't happen. I did move north...but only 4 hours north putting me in Fort Worth, TX...not anywhere near Minnesota
2. Get a teaching job
Like I mentioned above, I hated my job. I hated my district & wanted to get a new teaching job so that I could say I at least tried more than one district should I decide I still didn't love teaching.
I did get a new teaching job. In the middle of May I got hired to teach 9th grade social studies as well as coach basketball & softball in a Fort Worth suburb.
3. Get into the University of Minnesota
I have toyed with changing my major before I even finished mine. When I had planned on going to the U of M I was planning on getting my Masters in a program that would allow me to work at the college level in offices such as admissions, greek life, cultural studies, etc.
Seeing as how I didn't go back to Minnesota I assume you know that this one didn't happen either. I am however applying soon to back to school to get my Masters in Communications through Tarleton & will hopefully be starting summer 2016.
4. Get a serving job
In the event that I didn't get a teaching job I was going to need some type of job, especially since school was my back up plan to getting a teaching job.
I got a teaching job so no restaurant/bar job necessary.
5. Visit a new state
This is always on my list. I want to see all 50 & am at 29.
I didn't get to a new one. Right now it doesn't bother me because I'm still at a higher number of states than my age...they're catching up to each other though so a new state is needed soon.
6. Monthly girls' night with Becky (Kickass Cousin)
I had good intentions with this one. Becky is my best friend, girls' nights are fun. When I moved back to Minnesota it only seemed obvious that this would have to happen monthly.
I was an idiot for putting this on my list. Even if I had moved back to Minnesota it wouldn't have happened until June 2015 which means there would've still be 7 months where we lived 1300 miles apart...
7. Read 12 books
Every year I attempt the 50 book challenge. You know how many times I've ever completed that? 0...since 2010. At least I'm consistent. I figured that 12 seemed reasonable. That's only 1 a month after all.
I passed & really that's all that matters. I read exactly 12. I honestly thought for a hot minute I'd surpass that number. I went for a stretch where I was reading about 1 a month but then there was a week this summer where I read 3. Then I went back to slowin my roll. I suppose I could still surpass it if I really wanted to. I'm almost done with a book I've been reading since this summer... but whether I do or don't I still read 12 & that's what counts.
8. Go to 6 concerts
Music is life. 6 concerts in a year seemed totally reasonable for me. One concert every other month? No problem.
Underachiever is what I was when setting that goal. I had it 6 in under 4 months.
9. Run 6 races
I hadn't run a race in almost a full year when I made this goal. I missed running races & doing a 5k every other month seemed like no big deal.
Wrong. I ran 0. Yes, 0. Priorities I guess??
10. Pay off 2 credit cards/loans
I'm so in debt it's not even funny. Which is why I made this goal. I had a smaller credit card & a loan that was almost gone so it was totally doable.
I'm going black & white on this list which is why this is a fail. I paid off one of my 2 credit cards but that little loan is still sitting there with just over $600 left on it. I mean I've been paying on it but clearly didn't pay it off.
11. Create a wreath for each season
I blame Pinterest for this one. Maybe blogging a little bit too. Everyone always has such cute seasonal decor & I figured 4 wreaths wouldn't be that big of a deal to make to spruce up my door.
Making shit is expensive...and it takes time. A lot of time. I made 0.
12. Make 12 new recipes
This one also came from Pinterest. When I lived in my house down in Houston I did meal prep every single Sunday & since I have hundreds of recipes pinned it only made sense to actually use them.
I was making 1-2 different meals a week on average so it took me just under 3 months to make 12 new things.
13. Send someone a card/letter each month
I love getting snail mail. Also, my friend Sonja sends this awesome cards for any holiday you could ever think of & it's fun to get those so I wanted to do something similar by sending a card or a letter to at least one person every month.
14. Do 52 week $$ challenge
As well as wanting to pay off my loans/credit cards ASAP I figured saving money would be a good idea.
Again I'm going to be black & white here & call it a fail. I made it through week 23. At one point this summer, up until not all that long ago actually, I had more in savings than I would have had I just done the 52 week challenge. However, I didn't finish challenge, & I don't have anywhere near the $1388 in my savings I would have had if I had finished it.
15. Get motorcycle license
Another thing that has been on my list for years. I told my parents in elementary/middle school I wanted my first vehicle to be a motorcycle. They laughed at me & said no.
I actually thought I'd have this one, or at least be on my way because my roommate has hers & when we met back in June we talked about it. However, we don't I haven't gone to do it on my own.
16. Paddleboard
I think paddleboarding looks so sweet & really wanted to try it.
The didn't have to be a fail. Becky & I went to a lake over the summer & had every opportunity to choose paddleboarding...we chose a pedal boat instead.
17. Keep 6 word day journal
I'm not good at writing in a journal every day. I've made that a goal before. Writing 6 words a day seemed way easier though because it's just 6 words...
I completed 4 months & some days it was like pulling teeth. 6 words is not easy. It's almost harder.
18. Turn Pinterest quotes into book
I was going on a big clean out of all of my Pinterest stuff. I only wanted to keep stuff that I could actually use. Why was I pinning stuff I was never going to buy or look at again? That meant bye bye quote board but I also love quotes & didn't just want them to disappear forever.
I had a Shutterfly code for a free photo book so I took the quotes & turned them into a coffee table book. When/if I ever have a daughter I want to write in it randomly & then give it to her has a graduation present. (Some of the quotes are too gender specific to give it to a son...because well I'm a girl & pin girl shit)
19. Visit 1 new MLB ballpark
I eventually want to see as many MLB ballparks as possible & one in a year seemed doable.
Wrong. Could've driven to Milwaukee, Chicago, Kansas City...all within under 8 hours. I moved to DFW & could've easily gone to a Rangers game. I went to 0 baseball games. In fact I haven't even been to a MLB game since 2012.
20. Attend a MLB, NHL, & NFL game
My last MLB game was in 2012, my last NFL & NHL games were before that...I wanted to change that. & white with this list so fail. I didn't go to a MLB game as you know because of my #19 fail. I did manage to go to a NFL game at Cowboy Stadium & a NHL game at American Airlines Center. So I did get 2 out of 3 but I didn't hit the trifecta. If only I had made #19 visit a new stadium instead of being so specific...
21. Attend MN State Fair
I hadn't been to the MN State Fair since 2011 & it used to be one of my favorite things so because I was planning on moving back to MN that had to be rectified.
Well I didn't move back. The fair is the two weeks leading up to Labor Day...when I'm already back in Texas so it's impossible for me to go. I did go to the Texas State Fair but that wasn't my goal & it's definitely not the same.
22. Attend a food festival
I had been to a beer festival before & had seen multiple bloggers post fun pictures from different food festivals from all over the country. It was something that I wanted to do too!
But I didn't. I still want to someday...
23. Photograph Minneapolis-St. Paul
This has been a goal of mine so many times. Even though I grew up 1.5 hours away MSP will always be my home metro area & therefore my favorite.
The problem is...I don't exactly know what I mean by this or how I want to execute it. I mean I have an idea of what I want these photos to look like but I don't know exactly what in MSP I want pictures of, if I want to do this alone or when I'm out with others, or how I want it to work logistically...
24. Set up online dating if single by 27
When I made this as a goal what I meant was if by tomorrow I was still single I'd start paying for online dating. So not quite sure how I expected to pass or fail that one but whatever.
I passed anyway. Back at the end of August when I moved over to Fort Worth from Dallas I started using Tinder again which isn't exactly paying but it is using a dating site. Then, at the beginning of this month I got a free month on which is what I had in mind by paid site. I've been on dates with 7 different guys since moving down here because of this.
25. Skydive
Heights scare the shit out of me. It's something I really want to do though! Everyone always says how happy they are that they did it.
But I still haven't. I also still need to go ziplining.
26. Learn to play guitar
I got my first guitar at the age of 15 when my friend & I thought we were going to start a rock band. I thought I could teach myself to play it. I couldn't. Then I moved down to Texas & at 24 bought myself an acoustic guitar.
I still haven't learned to play that guitar. Actually I just brought that one to Goodwill because I won a way nicer one this summer...which I also haven't learned how to play. These are the things I need to sit down & make time for.
27. Go fishing 3 times
I used to love fishing & being out on the lake. I hadn't gone in years & years.
I still haven't gone.
7/27 completed...that's a 26% y'all...pitiful!
1 day until my 27th birthday!!
Sometimes life gets in the way of lists!!
ReplyDeleteAt least you got out of a job you hated and are in a better district now. More importantly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday eve!
ReplyDeleteSometimes the stuff that doesn't get done on our lists makes way for even better things we never would've thought of otherwise! Happy birthday eve!
ReplyDeleteIf I didn't have someone to ride with, I wouldn't have my motorcycle license. Period. It's not nearly as much fun alone and with traffic here.. it's risky to ride at all. I need to go get my official license since I've been riding on a permit.. Oops........ #notsorry #sooolazy
ReplyDeletehappy belated birthday girl!