Tuesday, March 3, 2015

So True Tuesday

Honesty's the best policy...

This happens right after an argument too

Oh, my. This is hilarious.

It's funny cause it's true.  I hate it when I'm trying to take pictures. :(

It does happen...


Teenager Posts

don't be



  1. That first one {insert laughing til crying emoji here}. Omg, and the faces that go along with the silent conversation!

  2. That first one is my life!! As well as quitting adulthood. I asked my mom if we could "start over" she said no. And the dog one is so funny because it's true :)

  3. OMG these are hilarious hahaha...I'm dying at my cubicle right now. All of these are on point but my favorite one is the laughing like a walrus with asthma (insert laughing until crying emoji here)


  4. These are all fantastic! Definitely gave me a great laugh to start the day off with!

  5. I want to quit adulthood. That first meme was hilarious and so true!

  6. Those last 2! YES. Mr. Scrooge hates it when I call him an asshole or a douche but he acts that way so frequently that it's fitting for me to remind him of his piss-poor behavior.

    And hells to the yeah to the empty uterus!!!

  7. That first one is sooooo yes! haha also why cant my camera freaking capture the moon. So annoying!
