Tuesday, January 13, 2015

So True Tuesday

I always get so confused when they say 24 months.  Who uses months anymore?

Everyone's over here like 'Hey, I'm getting married and having babies' and I'm like 'Hey, who wants to get drunk and travel the world with me?'

This is me in a nutshell.

We spend more time wondering what they are thinking about, but he has told me that "Nothing" does not mean "Nothing important."  It sincerely means Nothing!

It could go either way.




Haha story of my life!

Pretty much.


  1. haha why i swear so much lol ... too funny and true :p

  2. Let's find some cocktails and get to traveling!!
    I know i'm in a committed relationship and all... but marriage and babies can wait another 5-7 years. :)
